Great big beautiful black boy, Keeton, about 15 years old. He is SOOO affectionate. Loves his people. Does not like other cats but is tolerant of them if they move slow and leave him alone. He loves to go outside.

He’s great. But……….

Cards on the table–he bites. Sometimes it’s hard. Usually it’s a nip when he’s had enough. It will take an experienced cat person to read his messages; flashing tail, that irked look. Not a cat for kids. Or for anyone not ready to understand that he is what he is, old and super loving and a little cranky and hopefully deserving of a loving family even though he’s far from perfect.

He wants to sit on your lap and purr his little heart out. He wants to be loved and you can see the sadness in his face when you walk away because he nipped again. He doesn’t really understand why it’s so hard for someone to love him and put up with him. Because he does try hard to be a good cat. He wants to be loved so much.

Big old black cat who is as affectionate as a cat can be. Who bites. Who will want him? We hope someone. We hope there’s a chance for him to find that place where he is loved no matter how imperfect.

Dear Family of big old black cat that loves and bites……..are you out there? Keeton needs you now.

In Soldotna. Call or text 907 953-0333
