For the past 15 years,  since Feather was a small kitten she was with a person she loved. After a series of unfortunate events, Feather and her family ended up homeless and in the care of Houston Animal Control and CCCR. Feather learned resiliencey through her many moves and fit right into her new foster home right away. The minute her kennel opened at her new foster home her confidence was on display.  She immediately was exploring her surroundings and jumping on cat trees like she owned the place (she was also happy to stretch her legs after being in the kennel for a while). Feather is so confident and fits in so well that she taught a previously thought “feral” foster how to be a family cat again.  Feather’s name suits her well. She is light and dainty, so if her new home has kids they will need to be older and know how to handle with care. She loves dogs, but only if they are calm and gentle. She loves other cats and will want to be in a home with at least one other cat. Feather LOVES to explore. She needs a safe outdoor space where she is able to smell the grass and watch the birds.

If you are interested in adding this fun-loving girl into your home, please contact 720-563-7141
