Eclipse came into rescue as a tiny kitten. He was living under the trailer of a nice old man. Together with a colony of cats he somehow survived months of zero degree weather this winter. He was the only kitten who was able to survive, having to intimidate the adult cats for the small amounts of food they would sometimes get. Somehow when he was caught, though never really touched by a human, he wasn’t feral, just a little cautious and curious. Even though he was a tough survivor, he is a sweet and gentle kitten. He loves to hang out & cuddle with his human and play with other cats. When he’s picked up, he will purr. He sits up like a meerkat when he’s trying to look around. He is funny and personable. And, loves to sleep curled up next to his person. He is approximately 6 months old. He must have a cat friend in his new home and he would love to be able to explore in the yard of his kingdom.
In Anc. – Text 960.0096.
