Aquarius doesn’t just head butt – she face-to-face plants. Love isn’t a passive activity for Miss Aquarius. She loves firm, full body pets from whiskers to tail and enjoys being held. Mice toys aren’t her thing, but she definitely knows how to show feathered toys who is boss! If she isn’t daydreaming on her window perch, she enjoys sharing your favorite seat. There is a lot going on out that window she spends so much time looking out and she wants to explore so she will need a safe outdoor space.
Aquarius believes she is enough furrbaby for any home and doesn’t care for other kitties. But she does just fine with mellow dogs.
Rumor has it she even enjoys an occasional bath. Basically Aquarius LOVES water. She is a 3 or 4 year oldĀ  smaller kitty with a medium, fluffy coat and a quiet voice.

In Anchorage, but can travel, please call or text 907-980-8898 to learn more.
