This is Wild Thing. Yes she is. Not wild like crazy wild. But wild like she once was a feral cat and now she loves living in a house with a family who loves her but petting is only when she is ready for petting. The rest of the time she hangs out with her cat friends, watches the dogs do their dog thing. Nap in cozy places, come for meals and snacks. Lives the easy life and is happy.
She has quite an interesting tortoiseshell coat. Browns and black and oranges patterned in curious dapples and dollops. Not so great for camouflage in the house but in an autumn forest, she would be invisible.
Wild Thing is not the kind of cat for everyone. But for someone who is that special wonderful person that will give a reserved cat a chance, the person who knows that love and patience pays off in the most amazingly joyful ways when a ‘wild’ cat comes to love you and lets you know how they finally finally trust that you are their family.
Wild Thing is probably a little over a year old. Shy, skittish, uncertain with people. But a great friend of all nice cats. If you are her special one, please contact us at 907 980-8898