Samoa is an amazingly beautiful calico girl with a distinctive beauty mark. She is about 4 years old.
Samoa lives by the motto “more is better”. She caught eye of that exaggerated beauty mark on her lovely face and knew it took a lot of personality to do it justice. She spent time with another kitty rescue group but the accommodations were not up to her diva standards, she behaved badly and it was tough to see the beauty inside. All it took was a different scene and she calmed down in record time. Samoa doesn’t like to be picked up, but she loves her people’s pets and treats. She also will stake claim on an unused corner of her favorite person’s bed but she denies being a bed hog. This much cuteness requires lots of beauty sleep so she won’t disturb yours. She does require that you offer the occasional laser light play date. She likes to have a good view of the goings on of her peeps, so she asks for a good window ledge, back of the sofa, upper stair landing, counters….she’s not picky. She also firmly believes that doors were created for dogs and she doesn’t care for closed doors or dogs! She is very opinionated and has lots to say, sometimes vocally, but more with pushes, nudges and bats.
In Anchorage. Call 960-0096