Minnie is a gorgeous Maine Coon looking girl with a lush coat. She’s maybe about 3 years old.
She is a shy girl, introverted and reserved; she likes quiet and lounging. She does well with other mellow cats but she also enjoys having a space of her own to hide when she wants to do her own thing. She’s not quite ready to come to people yet, but she’s very sweet if you get her out of her spot. She rolls over for tummy rubs and purrs and lets you know that she is so happy to be given love. It will take a bit for her to totally trust people so a family that is willing to work with her opening up some more would be good!! And once she is bonded with her people, expect the sweetest little floofy girl ever! Once she is settled in, she will need a safe place to go outside and enjoy the natural world which she adores.
In Houston House. Call 315-9510