He may be named Icky, but that is not who this gorgeous boy is. He has a magnificent BIG boy with a silky gray coat. Very Maine Coonish physique and coat. Icky just celebrated his second birthday and is looking for a loving, stable, furever home.
Icky has had quite the adventure for a young kitty, spending last summer outside, charming humans for a bite to eat until he was rescued. He is a lot of kitty to love and he LOVES to snuggle, especially at bedtime. He doesn’t always appreciate the human’s occasional need for personal space, but with this love to share, who can say no? For such a big kitty he has a very polite meow that he reserves for special requests. He does well with other kitties but the foster doesn’t have small children or dogs, so he hasn’t gotten to show if he would play well with them. Car rides may not be his favorite thing to do, but he knows that is not the time to try to hold a conversation with his family and lies quietly in his kennel.
In Anchorage. Call 960-0096