Big Kitty is a big cuddlebear of a guy. He has long white hair. He has blue eyes and he’s deaf. Big Kitty spent over a year in a shelter and as the months went by, He became cranky in the company of so many other cats and was often overlooked as a cat with an attitude problem. We pulled him from the shelter and the first two weeks in foster care were very overwhelming for him. Then he began to trust his foster humans and let his guard down. Now Big Kitty is a loving lap cat who enjoys spending his time getting his hair brushed and looking out the window. He is estimated to be between 4-8 years old. He does okay with other cats but would be happy to be the one and only feline to sit on your lap and purr purr purr.
He is neutered, vaccinated and microchipped. In Wasilla. 907-863-1444.