Found nearly frozen to a cement stoop little Tidepool (we call him Pooly) was so emaciated and hypothermic he couldn’t stand. 24 hrs of critical care and he pulled thru…only to suffer a partial intestinal obstruction from the garbage he had been trying to survive on! Xrays, meds and a bit of patience later…he was able to poop out a nugget of balled up plastic..and life took off after that. Suddenly he was the playful, happy kitten with a full tummy and lots of appreciative snuggles to show it. We think he’s about 5mo old, a handsome gray and black sh tabby who may turn out to be a big cat. We don’t know his past history but think he could do fine with older children, nice pups and maybe a kitten friend to wrestle with. In Chugiak, call 907 632 4797 to arrange a visit.
