He’s BIG, solid, handsome as all get out. He’s the guy! Tank is a gorgeous gray and white sleek hunk of love with a stubby tail. He’s about 5 years old.
Hank is a mellow guy with all the time in the world to hang out with his family, enjoy life. He is great with mellow dogs and cats and people………maybe fish too. He’s just that kind of boy. If you are good to him, he is great to you. He cruises around the house checking out his domain, giving everyone the high five. And if the door opens and it’s nice and warm, then he would be happy to wonder out with his buds to watch the sunset. He MIGHT hunt, but maybe not. Life is coming up roses and he is busy enjoying every minute.
He’s lounging around in Anchorage waiting for his terrific family. Call 960-0096