-Sydney prefers shredded wet cat food.
-He also prefers to initiate contact and does not like to be carried.
That being said, when he wants his loving and petting he can’t get enough.
-Loves to be brushed and has a cool and unique purr. Beautiful Siamese fur.
-He plays independently so you can just watch him and be entertained.
-Loves looking and being outside. You just have a yard for him!
Definitely a lap kitty and is fine if left alone during the day.
-Sleeps through the night and is content at your feet and does not need to be on the pillow next to you.
-Likes a good conversation but is not overly talkative.
-Loves watching sappy movies!
-He doesn’t seem to be a climber so your counters are safe.
In Anchorage, text 960-0096