Beautiful, amazing girl who has a pretty orange coat and the most unusual tail that curls up over her back. She appears to have some American Ringtail Cat in her ancestry.
How she came to be ‘Prince’ is an unknown. Since most orange cats are male, maybe it was a guess when she was kitten, and when the truth was known, the name was stuck. But Prince or Princess, she is definitely a special cat.
Charming meets every qualification for that name. She is a gentle, sweet, loving, mellow girl. She is the kind of cat that any happy family would be excited to have as their own. She wants to please and tries hard to get along with everyone–kids, cats, dogs. She appears to be a young adult with a lot of spirit and affection to share in a good home. She will need a safe yard to go out in on pleasant days. And most of all, a loving family where she can be the Princess forever.
In Wasilla. Call 980-8898