Jaspurr has a soft blue gray coat that has the look of a Nebelung (long haired Russian Blue). He is about 9 months old.

If Jaspurr had his way, he would live at a daylong buffet. When he’s not snacking, he’s outgoing and lovable. He does fine with other cats, even the grumpy one, and the mellow dogs.  But he is rowdy and plays like a teenage boy, a little rough for delicate cats or those who don’t want to be bothered. He would do best with a cat friend who is as energetic and who loves to wrestle with a friend. This little sweetheart was found in a shed with another kitten and now needs a warm safe home where he had kitty friends who love him and people who will be his happy loving family forever. He will also need a safe place to go outside with his family when he’s bonded and the weather is warm.

In Anchorage. Call 960-0096

