Did you ever hear the nursery rhyme “There was a crooked man”? That crooked man had a crooked cat.
Cotter is the crooked cat who is wise beyond his very few years. He spent his very young life fighting hard to survive on the outskirts of a kitty colony and has a crooked tail he proudly displays as his battle scar. Along the way, he found his love for other kitties and has a bff in rescue.
Cotter is a mellow boy with a thick, gorgeous grey coat, about 2 years old, who is very thoughtful and cautious about life. Cotter loves a good scrubbing scratch. He is a polydactyl and looks like he has thumbs, but they are not opposable, so he relies on his hoomans to love him, open treats and play kitty wand toys with him.
He is a big boy with a quiet voice who asks nicely for pets. His quiet purr is a treasured reward for being able to earn his trust. Cotter loves a good view so he asks for a window to be able to nap next to.
Must have cat friend and a yard.
In Anchorage. Text 960-0096.