Category Archives: In Trial Placement


Lucky is 7 months old, he is the brother of Zeus. He has a beautiful longhaired black coat. Lucky is sweet and friendly, would like to be adopted to a home with a cat friend, or with his brother. Will need a safe outdoor area to play in when the weather is nice.

In Kenai, 907 398 9128




Zeus. ?
Loves naps.
Loves food.
Loves catnip mice.
Loves windows.
Doesn’t mind other cats but could easily live without.
Gives “love bites” if you stop giving attention. -see below

Zeus is a cat. He eats cat food and uses the litter box.  What more can you ask from a cat?
Now, if you ever wanted your very own panda bear he can fill that niche too. Hne loves to lounge most of the day with playful spurts thrown in. (Loves catnip mice).
He loves attention, but be warned, if you give him a little, he will want a lot.  How do I know? Love Bites. Try to stop and you’ll get a love bite. (Still kid-safe) It’s not mean spirited and doesn’t hurt, but it could be surprising.
A loving guy who seems to gravitate to guys and kids. Loves to play or lounge around in his underwear on the weekends, or everyday.
Will also rough house with the best. 

Zeus, a king among cats, and a friend to humankind.?
In Eagle River. Call 960-0096 to meet Zeus.



Paige is a young girl about 5 months old. She is black with long hair that is patchy now but will improve as this little darling continues to get good nutrition.

Paige is shy but so quick to love. She LOVES her trusted people. She is very talkative and has no problem telling you she is displeased with something. She has never growled, hissed, but or swatted. She’s ready for her own special person to bond with and be her lovey dove forever. She will need a safe yard when she is settled in and bonded with her new family.

In Anchorage. Call 960-0096



Athena is a beautiful fluffy tortoiseshell girl with an amazing ruff and tail. She is a couple years old.

Athena is a sweet girl who does fine in a home with other nice cats and a gentle, smaller dog. She loves to have attention from her humans and will cuddle up next to them to purr and stare up at them with adoring eyes. She enjoys her jaunts outside where she can explore the yard and patrol for invading mice and shrews. But it’s such a wonderful happy time for her when she can go back inside to her safe place and nap and snuggle.

She is in Palmer. Call 350-8089



Flare and Piper are mother and daughter, Flare is 2 yrs and Piper is 6 months. They get along well together and would be great if adopted as a pair. They have lived with dogs and kids. They are fairly small cats, and are very well behaved in their foster home. Flare has some darker gray markings, and Piper has more brown and calico accents. Will need a safe outdoor area to explore when the weather is nice. They are in Kenai, 907 398 9128



Berlioz is a COOL guy! He’s black and gorgeous and young, maybe a year or two old.

Berlioz is Mr Mellow! He can hang out and chill with kids running around, giving him hugs, letting their excitement run wild because the kitty is SO sweet. This boy is amazing. We though nothing fazed him until he met a cat carrier; he hates that. But everything else is just okay. Not daunted by the cat that doesn’t like him, not overwhelmed by children (we don’t now about dogs) but he is GREAT. He will need a nice yard where he can go outside and enjoy the summer. But then come back in and glory in all the gentle sweet love that his family has to give.

In Wasilla. Call 980-8898



James is a sweetheart about 2 years old. He is all black, and beautiful, and very large. He has golden eyes with green tint. His hair is short and he always looks neat.

James loves his people. He enjoys hanging out with them, cuddling with them, playing, and he would have a great time going outside in warm weather with his family to run around and explore the yard, check out the butterflies and climb every tree. Once he trusts his people, he loves to greet you every time with a meow, to snuggle up on a lap, sleep with his family.  He is getting used to being picked up and carried around. He is a very affectionate boy who wants so much to bond with his people and be theirs forever.

In Anchorage. Text 960-0096.



Iggy is a handsome flame point Siamese boy maybe a year old. He has blue eyes and pale tangerine markings

Iggy is such a lovable young boy. He adores  attention from his people. Cuddles and snuggles and purrs are some of his favorite things. He also loves to play and would be a fun friend for a nice child or another nice kitty. He seems intimidated by frisky dogs. Iggy would be the purrfect kitty for a happy family who wants a kitty to be their special one. He will need a safe yard to go outside.

In Anchorage. Call 960-0096



Fred is a handsome tabby and white boy about 4 years old. He has a little bit of fluff to his coat and the most awesome plume tail. He came to us declawed.

Fred is an wonderful boy. He is the sweetest guy you could imagine. He does well with dogs and other cats and nice kids. He is ready to settle into a happy family and be their beloved boy forever. He is excellent at getting along and when we first got him, he was amazing straight out of the carrier. Stepped out and said hello. He would love a home where he can be a part of things, enjoy the fun times with his family in the yard and snuggle up with them on cold winter evenings. The purrfect cat!

In Wasilla. Call 980-8898



Ashe is a gorgeous girl with a neat short-haired coat. She is tabby and white with big bright green eyes. She is about 12 years old and she came to us declawed.

Ashe is a sweet, quiet, composed girl. She has great house manners and is so easy to live with. She enjoys being pet and hanging out with her beloved humans. Once in a while she gets a hankering to play and acts as silly as a kitten. But generally she is happy to nap and explore the house and watch the world from the window.  She has some arthritis and would  be helped by some simple inexpensive supplements like glucosamine. She does get along fine with other cats but would also be happy as the only. She may be fine with a mellow dog but we have not tested her. She would like a little yard to go out in during the summer where she can watch the birds and butterflies and bask in the sun.

In Palmer. Call 980-8898



Gerald is a great kitty, about 7 1/2 yrs old. He loves attention and petting, and would be great in an only cat home, or possibly with 1 other mellow dog or cat friend. He loves going outside and will need a safe yard to explore.  He is very big, at 17 lbs, and will need to be on a grain free diet and moderate portion control. He loves to play with fuzzy mice, so having a human buddy to spend some play time with will make him happy and keep him fit.  He is in Kenai, 907 398 9128



Moon Pie is a big sweet lovebug! He will jump into you lap the minute you sit down and stay there all day if you let him. He will need a safe outdoor area to explore when the weather is nice. He has been around other cats and dogs, and would be fine with kids. He is a big 12 lb kitty, and about 2 yrs old. He is in Kenai, 907 398 9128



Mister Mister is not only CUTE!! but he is one of the cuddliest cats ever. He would cuddle all day if he could. He is OK with other nice animals in the house, but he is OK just being with his people, or hanging out by himself.  He is about 3 years old, neutered, vaccinated and microchipped.

He is in Kenai but can travel for the right family. 907 398 9128



Nelson is an orange short haired tabby boy that is about 3 years old. He’s sleek and well groomed and very handsome.

Nelson is a sweetheart. He is the PURRFECT cat. He is lovable with his people, great with other nice cats and very tolerant of nice dogs. He really likes having cat friends. He cuddles with his buddies and gives them grooming kisses and he even likes to play. He has not been around small children but we think he will do fine with them and he would be a great fun friend for older kids. He will need a safe place to go outside with his new family. This gorgeous guy is an all around wonderful fellow just waiting for that lucky family who will make him a part of their tribe

In Wasilla. Call 863-1444.




Meet the CONQUERER OF ALL FURNITURE PEAKS! Phoebe is a 6 month old kitten who is very sweet, loving, and affectionate.
She loves belly rubs and loves to cuddle.
She likes other nice cats, not sure about dogs or kids, but she’s young enough that a proper introduction will likely warrant success. She is also very shy and gets intimidated by mean cats (as, well, most of us would) ?.
She’s a jumper and climber, so conquerer of all funiture! She already responds to her name! Please call 960-0096 to learn more or to meet Phoebe 🙂




Fiona is a beautiful girl with a fabulous Bengal-like coat pattern. She lost one of her eyes from an infection but she gets around just fine. She is about 8 years old.

Fiona is a lovable girl who so wants to have a gentle human to be her special person. She had a hard life in a tumultuous home and suffered the sadness and stress of that before she came into foster. She has a lot of love to share with her family a. She can do okay with a gentle dog but she is best as the only cat. She loves to have attention and cuddles from her people, but she also likes doing her own independent cat thing at times; the perfect mix of lovable and devoted with independence. She loves to greet her family at the door when they return home and share their fun and joys. She will need a safe place to go outside at times but never to be left outside without a way in. She is a wonderful cat waiting for a happy caring family.

In Anchorage. Call 980-8898



Piper is a sweet, friendly longhair Seal Point Siamese with super soft fur and pretty blue eyes. She loves to cuddle, and might be ok with other nice cats or a mellow dog. She would be fine with older children, she tends to hide from loud noises and quick movements. She is a little under 2 years old. Will need a safe outdoor area to explore when the weather is nice. She is in Kenai, 907 398 9128



Merlin is a sweet, quiet boy about 4 years old. He is Ok with other cats, dogs and kids in his current foster home, but we think he would like a somewhat quiet, settled family. He is neutered and microchipped, and will need a safe area to play in when the weather is nice. He is in Kenai/Soldotna, 907 398 9128 for more info or to meet him.



Ellie Mae (EM) is a 2 year old Calico sweetie. She’s nothing but wonderful. She has a short haired coat in the lovely striking calico colors.

EM is a lover! As a matter of fact, we couldn’t get a good pic of her because as soon as she noticed her foster, she’d run up for pets! ?She loves cuddling under the covers and her favorite thing is drinking water from a faucet. She loves to tell you when she wants something, and she will nap with you. Likes dogs and would do best with older kids as she doesn’t like love forced on her. Ellie Mae a skilled mouser and loves being outside in the summer, so you must have a safe yard for her.

In Anchorage. Call 960-0096



Cleo is a gorgeous Siamese girl with sea blue eyes and seal point markings, but with a little white boots and a distinguished white dot on the side of her nose. She is short haired, about 4 years old.

Cleo is wonderful. She is affectionate and friendly. She does great with other nice cats and mellow doggies. All Cleo wants is to be loved and treated well. She is great in a real home with a loving family. But when she ended up at the Anchorage shelter, she was stressed out; poor little girl was SO afraid that she hissed at the people and was slated to be killed. But what a world of difference a home can make. Minutes into her foster home and she was rolling around, purring, giving love pats and snuggles. She’s the purrfect little girl for a FOREVER family. She will need a safe place to go outside in nice weather with her beloved people.

In Anchorage. Call 960-0096



Haley is a super sweet girl who was found as a stray, and she came to us already declawed. She is thought to be about 5 years old.  She is super sweet, current on vaccinations, microchipped and ready for her permanent home. She is currently in a foster in Kenai. 907 398 9128



Matilda is a darling little girl, very petite. She has a sleek short haired tabby coat and, and big golden eyes in such a cute little face.

Matilda is a love. She is a little shy of strangers at first, but once she is settled in she is wonderful. She has lived with other cats and does great. Her big buddy Neo is also available for adoption and they would make a great pair. But she can also be adopted by herself. She is good with nice kids. She totally LOVES to go outside and hunt, and she’s good at it! She’s quick and devoted and would be an excellent protector of the home and garden. She is about 4 years old.

In Anchorage. Call 960-0096



Roswell is petite, sleek, and striking with a lean build and “out-of-this-world” eyes. There will be lots of high-flying fun with Roz in the house. She’s an acrobatic entertainer, and loves to ride on the shoulders of her humans. Roz is a loving, sweet girl around 2 years old. She’s a greeter, and happily rushes to meet you at the door when you get home. She enjoys exploring the outdoors, and would probably be a good hunter. Roswell is good with kids and other cats. Charming and fun, Roz deserves a great home of her own.

In Anchorage. Call 960-0096



He’s BIG, solid, handsome as all get out. He’s the guy! Tank is a gorgeous gray and white sleek hunk of love with a stubby tail. He’s about 5 years old.

Hank is a mellow guy with all the time in the world to hang out with his family, enjoy life. He is great with mellow dogs and cats and people………maybe fish too. He’s just that kind of boy. If you are good to him, he is great to you. He cruises around the house checking out his domain, giving everyone the high five. And if the door opens and it’s nice and warm, then he would be happy to wonder out with his buds to watch the sunset. He MIGHT hunt, but maybe not. Life is coming up roses and he is busy enjoying every minute.

He’s lounging around in Anchorage waiting for his terrific family. Call 960-0096



Neo is a big beautiful black Maine Coonish looking boy. He’s 4 years old.

Neo is a darling with a great personality. He is good with other cats and would do well with a feline buddy. He has lived with Matilda (also available for adoption) for most of his life and if you wanted two kitties, they would be a great pair. But he could be adopted alone. He loves to go outside and hunt. He will definitely need a good place to enjoy his private time. He has lived with kids and does very well with them. Such a big cuddlebug would fill your home and heart with joy.

He is in Anchorage. Call 960-0096



Giovanni is a young, charming little guy who loves kids (and kids at heart.) He’s sleek, playful, and delightfully naughty in typical kitten fashion. He likes to be around people and prefers a lap when it’s time to nap. Gio is infinitely curious and totally lovable. He’ll run to greet you when you get home and is happiest underfoot or overhead. Gio’s parlor skills and his zest for life (and his toys) make him completely endearing and so entertaining. Giovanni is 4 months old and ready to charm his new family. He will need a safe yard to play in on nice days.

In Anchorage. Call 960-0096


Porter Nibbles

Porter Nibbles, originally just Porter but read on… she is a timid girl, about 7 or 8 months old, who found her confidence with being around other cats. At first, she didn’t seem to know how to cat but now she’s a new cat, in her own right, with her own personality. And, her communication skills are getting better everyday. When she gets a little over stimulated, she nibbles , hence the name. She politely requests a daily cleaned cat box. She’s good with older kiddos and doesn’t appear scared of doggies, but doesn’t cuddle them either.
If you are looking for a sweetie with the cutest tufts, who’ll keep you on your toes and warm your heart, please call 907-960-0096 to ask about Porter Nibbles.  She is in Anchorage.



Jasmine is a wonderful sweet senior girl about 11 years old. She has a soft fluffy coat that is beautiful ebony with chocolate highlights, and pretty golden green eyes.

Jasmine is social and friendly and won’t take long to be sleeping on your bed and purring by your side. She is out and about with quiet visitors and will roll over for attention and tummy rubs. She is fine with a mellow dog and has lived with lots of other cats whom she tolerates just fine. But she does love to have her own space. She will be great in a home with gentle people who have lots of love to share. She would love to have a little yard to explore in the summertime.

In Anchorage. Call 960-0096



Big beautiful silky boy, Boots is a dream. He is a big boy with a wonderful long haired coat that is shiny and rarely mats. He is about 9 years old.

Boots is a total sweetie. He takes a minute to check out the home and people and then he is a darling guy who loves to be pet and loves to hang out with his family. He is playful, likes to chase a toy mouse and romp across the floor like a kitten. He will purr at a touch. He is just fine with other mellow cats and would probably do well with a laid back dog. He’s be the purrfect cat for an older child who wants a good buddy to sleep on his bed or have fun in the yard.

In Wasilla.  Call 980-8898



Mr. Cuddles is sweet, quiet and a little timid. A handsome sleek tuxedo, he is just 3 years old, a perfect age where he knows all the tricks.

He loves to be pet and sit on your lap for cuddles. He enjoys a quiet home and is a “lone wolf” but he does not mind children, dogs or other kitties. He’s a black and white cutie. A long boy, and has a really long tail. He loves to go outside and hunt so will need a safe yard or area where he can be the cat he wants to be.

in Eagle River, but can travel. Please call/text 960-0096 to meet him



Kingston is about 9 years old, very soft medium length hair that rarely tangles.

Kingston is a junk food junkie  (but being introduced to higher quality cat food) and possibly a kitty crack addict. He **loves** his Matanuska Thunder catnip. He also loves being combed, and lap/attention time. Playful but overall fairly quiet. He would be fine with a dog that ignores him and has lived with dogs he loved. Great with other cats.  He is a smaller boy and weighs 10.5 pounds. He will need a safe place to go outside.

In Wasilla. Call 980-8898




Her name says it all–Pretty is oh so pretty. A blue-eyed beauty about 10 years old, she has an ivory coat with lovely seal points. She came to us declawed.

Pretty is as pretty does. Her name describes not only the way she looks but her wonderful sweet personality. She is an amazingly lovable little girl. She adores being cuddled and given love. She does just fine with the mellow dog in the house. We haven’t had her around cats so we don’t know how she would do. But she is so sweet, she would probably be fine with another feline as gentle as she is. She would love a safe yard to go out in with her family.

In Anchorage. Call 980-8898



Felicity is a darling girl about 3 years old, the purrfect age for a family.  She has cashmere soft medium length hair and pretty camouflage pattern of warm colors.

Felicity is friendly and lovable with her people. She enjoys being pet and cuddled and would love to have her own person to curl up with at night. She does just fine with other cats. She would be a nice girl for a family with older children and a yard where she can go outside sometimes. She’s a wonderful kitty ready for a loving family.

In Wasilla. Call 863-1444



Tiger is a handsome creamsicle guy, all orange and ivory, fluffy, soft and adorable. He is about 2 years old.

Tiger is super sweet. He’s a lover! He likes to snuggle and do all those sweet kitty things, like nestle up in your arms for love and purr purr purr.  He also loves to play. Have toys, will have a great time! He likes to show his appreciation of his toys by racing and jumping around like a kitten.  He is talkative with his people , loves to be pet, and gets along great with other nice cats. We don’t know about dogs. He will need a safe place to go outside when the weather is nice.

In Anchorage. Call 960-0096




Sarge is a handsome young fellow about 7 or 8 months old. He is gray and white, with medium hair, white boots and a cute little face.

Sarge is a great little boy. He was born outside to a feral mom. But he loved being petted by the man who found him at a construction site. He enjoys attention of the people he trusts and he is great with other nice cats and even gentle dogs. He will shy away from strangers, but once he knows you, he will hang out to be pet and he will rub against your legs to return the affection. He knows how to hunt and he will want a safe place to go out and do that when the weather is nice. But he so much needs a family to take him into their home and hearts and share happiness and joy always.

In Anchorage. CAll 980-8898



Sissy is a little black kitty. She is polydactyl! About 5 months old, she is adorable!

Sissy started out a scared kitten, but now just wants cuddles and of course, playtime! She loves other nice kitties and will need a feline companion in her new home. She likes to romp and race and check out her world  and be happy in kittenhood. It’s time for her to settle in with a family and bond with them, win their hearts and be loved forever. When spring comes and she is attached to her people and home, she will need a safe place to go outside with her family.

In Wasilla. Call 980-8898



Bella is a beautiful young girl in a patched gray and white coat.

Bella is sweet and gentle. She can be slightly skittish and take a little warming up to new friends. But she but can be won over with some nice head scratches and patience. She wants to be the beloved member of a happy family and will try her best to please. She just needs a little time to know that people are safe and loving. She would be fine with another mellow cat, or maybe a dog. She will need a safe yard to go outside in when the weather is fine.

In Anchorage. Call 980-8898



Jamie is cute ragdoll mix boy about 10 months old. He has an ivory coat and sky blue eyes.

Jamie is the classic ragdoll, so easy and lovable and gentle and sweet. He easily fits into a loving family of friendly cats and mellow dogs. He loves to cuddle and he loves to play. So he will need a family with another fun welcoming cat, and humans who have time to give him loving attention. He loves to go outside and play and hunt in the summertime so he will need a safe yard to go.

In Wasilla. Call 980-8898



Jolene is a wonderful shorthaired brown tabby girl about 5 years old. Sleek, beautiful, with that amazing striped tiger look of her wild ancestors.

Jolene lived in a shelter for a year and a half where she did not do well.  But as soon as she moved into her foster home, she blossomed. She can be a little shy at first, but as soon as she warms up, she is an absolute cuddle bug and loves to have her human’s attention. Playing isn’t really her forte; she would rather be snuggling on your lap or chest and kneading you. Chin scratches are especially her favorite! She doesn’t like too much commotion, and would like to have a calmer home. She loves to look outside and would need a safe space to explore. She gets along with other kitties and calm dogs, but does like to have her personal space, so would not be suitable for small children.

In Anchorage. Call 980-8898




Spook and Spike are a bonded pair of cats who had been declawed. They are brother and sister about 7 years old, beautiful sleek cats.

Spook is the boy and he is a little shyer than Spike who is more friendly and outgoing. They would be an amazing pair of cats to have as your beloved family members. Happy with each other, you would never have to worry about them being all alone or lonely while you’re at work. Sweet gentle cats for a great family.

In Anchorage. Call 219-229-5085




Selena is a darling black girl with short hair. She is a petite girl about 9 years old.

Selena is the sweetest thing. So loving and adorable. She is friendly and happy to be with her people. And with other cats she is completely fine. She’s social with those around her who are kind and gentle. She loves having quiet time but she also enjoys the activities of a settled family, taking care of her humans with purrs and cuddles. She would totally love to have a yard where she can have the joy of the outside world to explore.

In Wasilla. Call 980-8898



Spooky is an adorable 3 year old boy with a fluffy coat and a cute little dab of white down his nose and cheek.

Spooky is a very nice boy who would love a home with a great outside area and a settled family. He can do okay with another cat or dog or a gentle child. But he prefers less chaos, a home with loved ones who are not chasing or yelling or in his face. He loves to be pet when the house is quiet and his person is kind and gentle. And he loves to go outside and hunt, enjoy the beauty and quiet of the outside.

In Eagle River. Call 980-8898



MJ is a handsome orange and white boy with a fluffy ruff and the sweetest face. He is about 8 months old.

Mj is an ‘everyone’s cat’. He’s a chill guy. He loves all creatures and shares his toys and food. He’s a true treasure. He may take a minute to get used to a new home and family, but he will be the purrfect cat when he is adjusted to his new place. He would like a safe outside place to go when the weather is nice.

In Wasilla. Call 980-8898




Stella is a young spayed female, only 8 months old. She is a kitty who might take some extra time to adjust to a new home, but once she gets comfortable, she will be a wonderful friend forever. She has lived with another cat. Will need a safe area to play in when the weather is nice. In Soldotna, 907 953 0333.



Io (pronounced eye-oh), is a sweet little 6 month old neutered male. He would like to be in a home with another friendly cat to play with. He will come and sit in your lap and purr while being petted once he gets to know you. Probably would not be good in a home with noisy small children, loud noises and quick movements tend to startle him. Nice dogs would be ok, he will take some time to get used to them. Will need a safe outdoor area to explore when the weather is nice. In Kenai, 907 398 9128



Milo is a slim orange boy who came to us declawed. He has short hair and is fairly small, though long. He is about 9 years old.

Milo is a sweetheart with his beloved people. He LOVES to cuddle, get on your lap and knead and knead. He has a HUGE purr that can be heard from across the room. Such sweet music to ease your soul. He likes to follow his people around and ‘help’ with chores. He’s curious about things and would love to investigate his territory. He can get super riled up playing with toys and race around like a kitten. He has lived with other cats but he is much happier as the only cat. We don’t know how he would be with dogs. But people, especially with women, this boy is a dream cat! He would love a happy family and a safe yard where he can venture out in the summer to watch the leaves flutter and the birds fly by.

In Wasilla. Call 980-8898




Squeaks is wonderful! No way around it. The obvious is her beauty, adorable fluffy tiger. Petite and delicate and sweet as can be. Her coat is Maine Coonish but she has a lion cut now. She is about 6 years old and had previously been declawed.

Squeaks is the purrfect cat. It doesn’t take long to get this part of wonderful about her. She is friendly, sweet, loving. She adores her people and she is great with other nice cats. She gets along with any that will be nice to her and the rest she avoids. No drama with Squeaks. Just sweetness and love. She will need a yard to go outside in to enjoy the pleasures of warm weather and fresh air.

She’s in Anchorage. Call 980-8898



Tina is a beautiful long-haired calico girl. She is a bit chubby and soft as a bunny. She is about 5 years old.

Tina is a sweetie. She loves her people. She likes to be pet and to share time with her family. She does great with calm, gentle humans, even if they are young although a chaotic child home is not the best for her. She does love to play with a mouse on a string and to roam around, exploring the house. She would enjoy a little yard too where she can go with her people to bask in the sun or snooze in the grass. She does fine with another mellow cat and will even play with a cat companion at times. She will need an owner who can help her lose a little weight, slowly, and brush her daily.

She is in Homer but can travel for the right adopter.  907 980 8898



Petra is a young spayed female medium hair torti, about 6 months old. She is sweet and petite. Would be fine with kids. Has lived with cats and dogs. Very gentle and loves petting, loves to sit in your lap. Will need a safe outdoor area to explore when the weather is nice. In Kenai, 907 398 9128



Bella is a beautiful calico girl, soft, lush coat and sweet temperament. She is probably about 7 years old.

Bella is a darling girl who will do more than be a pretty adornment; she is so lovable. She likes to be picked up and carried around. She will put her arms around your neck for a hug while you snuggle her. She loves her people so much. She enjoys cuddles and kisses and is happy just hanging out with family. She seems to do okay with another mellow cat who keeps their distance but doesn’t want to engage in a real cat relationship. People are her family! And she needs a human who will return the deep love and devotion that she so wants to give with all her heart.

She is in Anchorage. Call 960-0096



Burley Man is a BIG guy. He lives up to his name. He’s about 4 years old and is currently sporting a half shaven/half long haired do.

Burly man is not only large in stature but big on love as well.  He easily adapts to new situations and is very social. He likes other cats, dogs, and humans too. He would do best in a home with a comfy couch or bed and humans that give belly rubs. He will need a safe outside place to go when the weather is good.

He is vaccinated, neutered and microchipped and is available in Wasilla. 907-863-1444



Domino and CB are good looking boys who are bonded; they have lived together since CB was a kitten. Domino is a striking Russian Blue boy about 6 years old. CB is slightly fluffy and appears to have ragdoll in his ancestry; he is approximately 4 years old.

Domino and CB are a great pair. They’re buds. They hang out together and are happy being in each other’s company. They love to go outside and hunt, enjoy the wonders of the natural world. They are excellent rodent catchers. Domino has lived with a dog in his past life; we don’t know about CB.  With this great pair of boys, you would not have to worry about your cat being lonely while you’re at work. They are friendly, lovable boys who will be a great addition to any loving family with a good hunting area.

In Anchorage. Call 980-8898

They can be adopted together for $100!



DJ is a big wonderful boy in gray and white. He is handsome, probably a couple years old.

DJ is a friendly sweet guy. He is ready to begin a great new happy life with a family who will love him and care for him forever. He had time outside on his own for months and it was not the life he wanted. Now he is so contented to have a warm home and kind people in his life. He does great with the other cats too and doesn’t seem to mind the mellow dog. He would be purrfect for most any good family. He will need a safe yard to go outside in the summer when he’s ready.

In Anchorage. Call 980-8898



Lulu is gorgeous, with silky hair that catches the light to shimmer subtle colors. She has just the slightest bit of fluff so that her coat looks rich and beautiful. She is around 3 years old.

Lulu is so sweet. She loves to be loved and share time with her people. She likes to play and she likes to cuddle and purr. If she can sleep with her people, nestled up at the bottom of the bed, she would be so happy.  She loves attention, very playful and curious. She will sometimes curl up with her people on the couch, but loves climbing, rolling on the carpet, and running around as well. Lulu spent months in a shelter where she was stressed and not doing well, too many other cats and too many strange people. But she does great with another nice cat in the house, and she LOVES people. She would like a home where she can be a part of the family, help with chores, enjoy exploring the yard with the family, hanging out and watching movies late at night. She is a wonderful family cat ready to have her wonderful family.

In Anchorage. Call 980-8898



Coco is a lovely orange girl, short haired, neat, with big expressive eyes. She is about 5 years old.

Coco is very friendly and talkative. She’ll run over to you if you call her or make kitty noises and rub on you. She’s a big kneader. She kneads all the time. When she’s curious or hears a weird noise, she’ll sit on her butt like a prairie dog. She seems to like other nice cats and would do best with a feline buddy to hang out with. She gets along with nice, calmer dogs. She paws at the back door to let you know that she would love to go outside. So she will need a safe outside place to go when the weather is fine. She is an amazing and wonderful girl!

She’s in Anchorage. Call 980-8898


Kitty Purry

Kitty Purry is a sweet 4 month old spayed female. She is great with her people, could be a little shy until she gets to know them. She may be ok with other nice cats after an adjustment period, or would be ok as an only cat. Will need a safe outdoor area to explore when the weather is nice.  In Kenai, 907 398 9128



Tux is black and white female. She has the silkiest coat. She will entertain u with her acrobatic leaps. Loves anything with feathers. Prefers cuddling at your side to lap time. Litter box trained, gets along with dogs and kids



Sweet Rosa is lovely. She is a short haired tabby girl, all neat and elegant. She is mid-age, maybe 7 years old.

Rosa is a sweetheart who loves her people. She is gentle and affectionate, so happy to have someone to love her. She was found outside, either abandoned or lost, and not doing very well. In a home, she is s dream kitty, all loves and snuggles, totally happy to be in the lap of a person who cares for her. She is easily intimidated by other cats so she will need a home with a very mellow feline, or no cat at all. She will happily provide all the love and joy you could ever want from a cat.  When spring comes, she would like a safe yard to go out in and enjoy nature. But she has no desire to leave a happy home.

In Anchorage. CAll 980-8898



Jupiter is a pretty girl with a funny harlequin face. She has a short haired coat and is very neat and soft.

Jupiter is a lovely girl about 3 years old. She loves to be pet by her people. She enjoys cuddles and hanging out with her family. She gets along just fine with other cats and nice dogs and she would be fine with gentle loving children. She will need a safe yard to go out in to enjoy the summer weather. She will be a wonderful friendly and easy kitty to be part of a loving family.

In Kenai. Call 907 776 4056



Bagheer is a great BIG gorgeous shiny black boy about 5 years old. He is long haired with the look and the stature of a a Maine Coon.

Baghee has been a well loved cat but his humans had some unexpected life changes and hardships and sadly could not keep him. Initially shy he is a gentle giant who warms up quickly and enjoys being pet and brushed.  Friendly but not necessarily a snuggle bug. Usually prefers to warm the foot of the bed and keep watch. He loves to help around the kitchen in the mornings to make sure breakfast is on time, and then nap until it’s time to help his people in their afternoon and evening activities. He loves to be helpful. He also loves to go outside, sometimes even when it’s snowy or rainy, but particularly in summer when he would spend half the day hunting and exploring.

He can hear the slightest rattle of the treat bag or treat drawer opening and comes running at full speed. He’s an intelligent cat who likes to call the shots.  Goes crazy over feathered toys and catnip.  We find toy mice scattered around the house. Does not really care for dogs or other large male cats who come into his space.  In younger years he spent time in a home with younger cats and they were good friends. In his former home, he was picked up by kids but he prefers adult attention. Curious and surprisingly agile for a large cat.  Likes to hop up onto windowsills to watch the great outdoors like a smash hit movie. Very quiet except when letting you know he’s hungry!  Adores all who feed him:)

He is in Wasilla. Call 980-8898



Leonardo is a darling little gray boy who is soft and snuggly. He is about 6 months old.

Leonardo is adorable. He loves to play and romp around like a silly kid. He has a great time with his kitty friends in the foster home. But he also loves to be cuddled by his beloved humans. He might take a minute to adjust to strangers and a strange place. But once he knows you are his kind people, he will melt in your arms. He will need a feline friend in his new home and a safe yard to go out in next spring with his family.

In Palmer. Call 350=8089



Jewell is a lovely, silky haired girl. She is ebony and absolutely wonderful. She is about 6 years old.

Jewell is a super sweet, mellow girl. She is tolerant of others and does okay with other cats and mellow dogs. She would probably be fine with nice kids. Jewell loves to be loved by her people and enjoys being pet and sitting on welcoming laps. She is okay too napping on her own, or wandering out into the yard to explore on warm days. She will be an excellent, well-behaved family member for a happy family.

In Wasilla. Call 863-1444



Milo is a sweet boy about 3 yrs old. He has a gorgeous medium haired coat with stripes and dashes, a white chin and little white tippy toes.

Milo  has lived with dogs, cats, and kids, and would be fine with all after a proper introduction period. He is adorable and friendly with his people and would love a family that likes to have fun, play with string and go outside in the yard together in the summertime. He needs a safe outdoor area to play in when the weather is nice.

We do not allow declawing. He is in Wasilla, 907 980 8898



What a petite little cutie Luna is! All decked out in black and white, sleek and neat and totally CUTE!

Luna is outgoing and friendly. She loves her people as well as her kitty friends. She likes cuddles and playtime and the joys of being loved and adored by her family. She came from a dicey situation. But she is still great with people and just about everyone who will be kind and friendly with her. She is around 16 weeks old and likely to remain small. She will need a home with a kitty friend and a safe place to go outside with her family when summer comes.

In Anchorage. Call 980-8898



Gemma is adorable! A darling little tortoiseshell girl about 4 or 5 months old and as cute as a button.

Gemma is a such a little love. She is shy at first but oh my when she decides that you are her person, she is a dream cuddler. And she does love to play and hang out with her kitty friends. She races around and climbs and tumbles……..there is lots of fun and joy to share with this darling. She will need a feline companion who loves her and a human who is willing to give her time to adjust to a new home and people she doesn’t know, time to bond with her new family. When spring comes she will need a safe yard to go out in with her family.

In Anchorage. Call 980-8898



Lightning is a super sweet 3 1/2 month old neutered male, he is the kitten of Swan, also available, and they could be adopted as a pair. He is great with other cats, nice dogs, and children. Must go to a home with another cat as a feline companion, needs a safe outdoor area to play in when the weather is nice, and we do not allow declawing. In Soldotna, 907 398 9128



Dezi is a kitten about 5months old. She is a cutie short haired tortoiseshell girl, lean and lithe and full of energy.

Dezi is a sweet little thing ever who just wants to be loved and have fun. She would be a great fit for a family with another confident cat or dog and older children or just adults. She loves to groom the older cat in the house and play with hair ties. She likes to lick when she getting pet. She is too impatient and revved up at times for really little kids but a great friend for older children. . She will need a safe yard to go outside in when spring comes so she can explore and have the fun times that a kitten should experience.

In Wasilla. Call 980-8898



Sherbet is a total and utter love! This adorable, long haired Siamese sweetie is about 2 years old. She has blue blue eyes and a little touch of tiger stripe on her forehead.

Sherbet is the cuddliest cat ever! Loves kids, other nice kitties AND isn’t afraid of dogs.
She can’t get enough love. She will need a place with loving family that will give her attention and affection, and where she can go outside in the summertime with her family to enjoy the beautiful outdoors.

In Anchorage. Call 960-0096



Mitch is about 15 months old and a big baby who loves snuggles. He is a gorgeous lynx point Siamese with a super soft coat and blue eyes.

Mitch does great with kids, dogs , and cats. He is a little shy with strangers, but once he warms up, he is yours forever. He will need that special family to give him time to adapt to a new home and new people but he is worth every moment of waiting to have this sweetheart cuddled up in your arms and embedded in your heart. He will need a safe outside place to go when the weather is good and he is completely bonded with his family.

In Wasilla. Call 980-8898



Moe is an adorable little girl about 3 or 4 months old. She is as cute as a button in her ebony coat and her charming ways.

Moe is  energetic, playful, and the sweetest napping buddy. She loves to bounce around after toys and she would very much love a kitty friend in her new home. She will need a safe place to go outside when spring comes where she can play with her family and enjoy warm fun days.

In Anchorage. Call 980-8898



Fozzie is a young adult a couple years old. He is a fluffy ivory boy with gray markings on his head and tail. He appears to be a Turkish Van mix.

Fozzie is full of life and energy. He is lovable and cuddly with his people. With other critters, he has a streak of teenager in him. He loves to wait around corners for others to pass by and jump out for the sheer excitement of shocking them. He would likely be fine with a mellow cat who is okay with his shenanigans but might be too annoying for someone more sensitive. He would be a great companion for an older child, to go out in the yard to play, or to hang out in their room while they play games. He’s a wonderful rascal ready for a fun and loving family.

In Wasilla. Call 863-1444



LB is a petite gentleman who is affectionate and loving with his people. He is 3-4 years old and loves to go outside so he must have access to a safe outdoor area. He must have a quiet settled home with no kids. He loves dogs and is okay with a mellow cat but would also be fine as an only kitty. Too many cats stress him out to much. He is vaccinated, neutered, and micro chipped.

In Palmer. 907-350-8089. Please no calls or texts after 8pm.



Kitty is a gorgeous short haired boy in sunshine orange and white.

Kitty is the sweetest guy ever! He will purr at the drop of a hat, or the slightest touch. He is a special boy with some special needs, and worth every effort made for him. He was likely born to a mom that had been exposed to distemper. And so he ended up with a bit of a wobble. He gets around fine, uses the litter box. That is not a problem. But sometimes he just tends to lean over, or trip on some mysterious obstacle. It is also possible that Kitty is losing his eyesight, possibly a result of exposure to the virus in the womb. But what an amazingly wonderful boy he is! He gets along with all the other cats and is great with people. All he needs is a stable loving family that he can share all his love and happiness with. He will bring so much joy to his people; there could never be regrets for making this sweetheart a part of the family.

He’s in Kenai. Call 398-9128




Leo, orange and white male. The largest of his litter, Leo is a playful, curious explorer who also likes lap time. He doesn’t like his head petted but belly rubs and ear scratching are fine with him. 100 percent litter box trained and gets along with dogs and kids.



Lana is a little 6-month old girl, sleek and beautiful. She has a short haired coat in black and extra toes. She is polydactyl.

Lana is super sweet and loving. She gets on well with other cats. She would probably be fine with nice kids. She is very tolerant with her people; she lets her nails be clipped  without trying to bite or scratch.  She loves to play, loves to lay close, and tends to follow her person around, comes when called, and runs down to meet her family when they get home. She would be great with a nice feline friend. She will need a safe place to go outside when the weather is nice.

She’s in Wasilla. Call 980-8898



Spidey is a cute little girl about 6 or 7 months old. She is the perfect little tuxedo, super cute with her white toes and scarg and shiny short coat.

Spidey is affectionate and sweet. LOVES other kitties and will need a feline friend in her new home. She is shy of strangers but she is fine with her trusted family who loves her. Once she knows that are a kind human, she will let you steal her heart. She so much wants a person to bond with and be their special little girl. She will need a safe yard for summer play outside.

In Anchorage. Call 980-8898



Sister is a lovely  tuxedo girl. She has a purrfect little mask and chest and white slippers. She is silky and soft.

Sister is a sweet gentle unassuming girl. She is mellow and so easy to fit into a happy home. She is okay with another nice cat or dog. She enjoys her time outside doing her own thing, and she also enjoys hanging out with her humans inside, snuggling up or just sharing the family life. She would love a settled home with a loving family. She is about 3 or 4 years old.

In Wasilla. Call 980-8898



Lexi is a small female kitty, exact age unknown but we think about 7-9 months.  She is sleek and pretty and neat as a pin.

She was on her own until she wandered up to a nice lady’s house in the Kasilof area.  She was happy to come inside, and since her owner did not come forward, she is now spayed, microchipped, current on shots and ready for her new home! She is fine with kids, and does fine with the foster’s cats after an adjustment period. She has learned to come to her name when called!  Judging from her love of toy mice, she might be a great mouser!

She is in foster in Kasilof (near Kenai/Soldotna) 907 398 9128



Kira is a lovely green-eyed girl in ebony. Sleek and elegant, she is short haired and always looks neat.

Kira is a sweet, smart girl who loves her people but is also independent. She would be happy to go off and do her cat business for a while, and then come in and hang out with her humans. She is good with other cats too as long as they don’t try to dominate her. She is loving but not demanding. She would enjoy a yard where she can go outside and nap in the flowers. She is probably about 5 or 6 years old.

In Wasilla.



This is Cleo. Female calico about 3 months old. She is sweet and gentle. Will place her paw gently on your cheek to ask for a cuddle, loves treats and lap time. 100 percent litter box trained. Gets along with other cats, kids and dogs



My name is Dee-Oh-Gee (DOG), yeah funny, right? I’m a handsome 1 1/2 year old boy and usually I sport a pretty nice long haired coat. But my last owner shaved me like a lion, real funny, and now I’m a little chilly.

I get along with dogs (go figure) but I picked on the other cat at my last home and I am not fond of the cats at my foster house either. I would be best as your only cat because no human needs more than just me!

I am dewormed, neutered, microchipped, and current on my shots. Waiting for you to meet me in Wasilla. 907-863-1444.



Mera is a short haired tiger girl, sleek and well groomed. She is just over a year old.

Mera is a beautiful and independent little lady. She can be shy of new people, but once she trusts you she loves to cuddle and be pet. Her favorite game is throwing around a toy from paw to paw. Her most amusing quality is that she likes water, and would willingly jump into a full bathtub. She loves to take naps, and likes to be around her adult family members, but does not do well with children or other pets. She would be the perfect companion for someone who is looking for a friend to watch tv with. She will need a safe yard to go outside when summer comes.

In Wasilla. Call 980-8898




Spud is a 5 year old golden tabby boy. He is long and lean and is waiting for a home.

Spud gets along with other cats and dogs but he really enjoys the company of humans the most. He will need a safe outside place to go with his family. He enjoys the yard and the sense of freedom of being outside but he has no intention of running away. A loving forever family is what he wants most in the world.

Available in Wasilla. Please call 907-863-1444



Diesel is a gorgeous black Maine Coonish guy. He has gravitas! And a great personality.

Diesel is a terrific cat. He is a guy with energy and curiosity and a lot of fun waiting for a family with time to spend with him. He would love to go out with his humans and race around, play, explore. He is interested in everything. A young male 3 or 4 years old, he is full of himself. He gets along great with other cats and dogs and really just about everyone. He is best suited to a home where he has activities and people who want to give him attention. And where he can go hunting without getting into somebody else’s business. He is very interactive and would love a family with nice kids or any humans who will share their life with him.

In Wasilla. Call 980-8898



Stormy! Her parkour skills are phenomenal. Agile, athletic, she could be the next american ninja warrior cat. She’s also super sweet, and loves to cuddle after she’s worn herself out. A fan of laser pointers and toilet paper, she’s about 3 mos old.



Amanda B is a lovely long haired tortoiseshell girl. She came to us declawed. She is about 10 years old and a social butterfly.

Amanda LOVES to be with people. She has been living in a quiet home with an elderly woman who recently had medical problems that means she cannot care for Amanda anymore. Amanda was the greeter in her house, welcoming friends in to visit and giving them the attention that friends should have. She is helpful with chores around the house and in general just a great cat. She has lived with other cats and dogs but she is happiest as the only one.  If you are looking for a very nice, social girl to join your settled home, please consider Amanda Blake.

In Wasilla. Call 863-1444




Grace! Not much older than her kittens, Grace is a great cat. She spent the first month hiding under a bed, only coming out at night. After a few midnight encounters where we both scared the crap out of each other, she decided to brave the daylight. It turns out she likes people, a lot; especially ones that feed her. She LOVES her toy mice and would probably make a great hunter. She’s playful, sweet, and loving, but a little shy of strangers. Take a chance on Grace, I’m sure you won’t be disappointed.



Juniper is a doll! She has a short haired, blue gray coat, very much like that of a Russian Blue so she may be a mix. She is a senior girl , very petite, about 15 years old.

Don’t let Juniper’s age fool you. She is amazing! She is energetic and affectionate. She is extremely intelligent and well behaved. Very friendly to people who are kind to her. She does great with other cats and would fit into any loving family without problems. Juniper is not ready to retire; she likes hanging out on the couch with her people, but she would also enjoy some strolls through the yard in summertime, watching the birds and feeling the grass beneath her feet. She was at a shelter for a long time and now she deserves to have a great home with love and caring and happiness for the rest of her life.

In Anchorage. Call 980-8898



Spring is a lovely little girl about 5 months old. She is a little fluffy, super soft, and as sweet as can be.

Spring is wonderful. She is bright and funny and loving and cuddly and great with other cats. She loves to race around with her friends and bring joy to the world. She will be an amazing family kitty. She will need another fun feline in her new home and a safe yard to go out in when the weather is fine.

In Palmer. Call 350-8089



Thomas is a buff/orange tabby, about 2 year old. He’s a solid big guy with a handsome ivory-marked face.
Thomas likes to play with other cats, best with another cat that also likes to play so his advances are welcomed. He is used to living with a labrador dog, who is an old lady dog. He likes to be outside about 75% of the time, but he did like to sleep with the little 9 year old girl in his former home.  He will sit in laps on his own terms, but generally is very independent.  He is very vocal in the morning until he gets his treats and is offered a chance to go outside.
In Anchorage. Call 980-8898


Tallie is an adorable little calico girl about 8 months old. She is short haired and very neat with a cute cap and pretty patches of color.

Tallie is a very sweet, loving shy girl. She LOVES to play……with a laser or mouse on a string or with another playful kitty. She romps around like a silly girl and enjoys racing from one safe room to another. Even though she is uneasy around sudden or strange noises and activities, she is ready to begin the adventure of a new home and family. She wants to have a family of her own and be loved by them; she is ready to give her heart. She would love to be adopted with her best friend, Arnie, but another friendly welcoming kitty to be her companion would be fine too, particularly if it was someone who would play gently and have fun with her. When she has bonded with her people and the weather is nice in the spring, she will need a safe place to go outside to hunt and play and race through the grass.

In Wasilla. Call 980-8898



Gray Laser Eyes is a sleek beautiful black boy with a few extra pounds. He is diabetic and needs insulin each day but that does not change his amazing sweetness.

Gray Laser Eyes is a wonderful boy who is fine with other nice cats and dogs and people. He loves to cuddle. He would sit on your lap and give you cheek rubs for as long as you like. He’s maybe 7 or 8 and he still likes to get a little silly from time to time, play with a toy, entertain his family. He amazingly settled into a home with LOTS of big dogs without much problem at all. He would love to outside and do a little hunting, get some fresh air, enjoy the pleasures of a yard. He is just about the perfect cat with a great personality.

In Wasilla. Call 980-8898



Milo is a handsome boy with a super soft fluffy coat in gray and white. He is about one year old.

Milo does OK with other cats but is very laid back and doesn’t play with them. His approach to dogs is to ignore them. He would be fine with another mellow cat , a dog that doesn’t get in his face, or by himself. He will need a safe place to go outside come spring and a family who will adore him. He’s absolutely wonderful.

In Wasilla. Call 863-1444



Larry is a fluffball of love! Golden like the sunrise, he is maybe a year or two old and gorgeous.

Larry is a sweet boy who came from a colony of cats. He really would like a girl cat friend who would welcome him into the home and be his companion. He loves his people. He loves to hang out with them and get cuddles. And he loves to go outside and help with garden chores, maybe even take care of any rodent problem. He is a friendly and lovable boy ready for a great forever family.

In Wasilla. Call 863-1444.



Tinygirl is beautiful. She resembles a Savannah cat in many ways. She is a long lean kitten about 4-5 months old.

Tinygirl is delightful. She has all the joyous moves of a kitten–racing, leaping, flying through the house with kitty friends. And climbing……she loves to climb. She is a sweetie with her people when she knows that they are her people and will be a great friend and companion. She will also be an excellent little huntress who needs a safe place to go outside as well as a kitty friend in her new home.

In Palmer. Call 350-8089



Oliver is full of it. He loves to play, very friendly and likes other cats  He is looking for a home where he can cuddle. About 5 months old. Has shots chips and neuter. To meet him or for more information call 232-1337



Solar is a very bashful kitty about 5 months old. She is okay with other cats. It will take some time to earn her trust. She has had all her shots and is chipped and spayed   Very sweet kitty. For more information call 232-1337 or 980-8898



Mystery is a long legged black and white boy, lean and wonderful. He is missing one eye due to a dog attack. But that hasn’t bothered his great attitude toward life.

Mystery is such a sweet guy. He loves other cats and even though he had a bad experience with dogs, he still does love smaller gentle dogs. He is friendly and happy and would be an excellent companion for a kind person, including a child, and a great addition to any happy family. He does need a safe place to go outside when the weather is nice. He is a good hunter. Probably a couple years old.

In Anchorage. Call 980-8898



Mocha and Cinnamon are 13 week old sisters, they are spayed, vaccinated and microchipped.  Mocha is the darker one and is more independent. Cinnamon is the lighter sister with a very unique torti/calico coloring. Cinnamon loves her sister’s company and the company of her people so much that she cries if she feels like she is alone. Both are very cuddly and love to play. They have lived with other cats, kids and dogs. Adoption fee as a bonded pair is $225. They will need a safe yard to play in when the weather is nice, and we do not allow declawing. In Kenai, 907 398 9128 or 907 980 8898.



Pergy is a beautiful girl with soft white fur and little dashes of gray on her head. She is probably a couple years old.

Pergy is an intelligent and independent cat who loves her people very much. She is ready to bond with a happy family and be their special kitty. She likes to ride of people’s shoulders, hang out with them while they watch moves, and would very much like to share some outside activities with them. She is an excellent huntress and would be thrilled to have a place to hunt and be the protector of the property. She does okay with other cats and dogs but doesn’t seem to have any interest in being buddies. She will need a yard to go outside at times and a human who wants a loving companion.

In Anchorage. Call 980-8898
