Category Archives: In Trial Placement



A ditty about a Maine Coon kitty:

We thought he was fat
Then we shaved all his mats
He may look a bit silly
And feel a bit chilly
But he’s mellow and sweet
And oh, what a treat!
He’ll sit on your lap
And burrow in for a nap.
He’s playful and nice
And will gladly hunt mice.
He’s practically perfect in every way…
This loving maincoon will make your day!
He’s awesome, he’s social, he’s mischievous and fun…
Adopting Eli means you’ve definitely won…
A wonderful companion you’ll love a ton! 

He’s about 5. He would prefer a home where he is not bothered by other cats or dogs. He has been through so much that now he needs his own person to love him unconditionally, really give him a forever home. 
In Anchorage but can travel.
Call 960-0096 to meet Eli! Eli is going for $75 and a jingle, if you can spare the time.  




Are you in the mood for a sassy larger than life fun? Then meet Alaska’s very own, one and only Jingles.

Jingles is a fun-loving muted tortoiseshell long haired kitty. She’s got the cutest fluffy white booties. She’s 3 years old.

She likes other kitties just fine, not a fan of doggies. Nice kiddos are okay too 🙂 She likes exploring outside as well as inside, so a yard and some understanding is needed. 😺

Jingles is in Anchorage but can travel. Text or call 960-0096 to meet her.



Winchester is a striking Tuxedo boy with sea green eyes and a couple dabs of white on his nose. He is a year or two old.

Winchester is a Spirit cat. He loves to socialize with other cats and would love to have a feline companion in his new home. He doesn’t care much for human attention unless there’s food involved and then he is happy to be pet. He would be a great best friend for a lonely cat. He is used to dogs in his foster home. 

In Wasilla. 907-863-1444.




Cannoli and Muffin are adorable tabby kittens about 4 1/2 months old. They are soft and cuddly and full of the joy of living. These babes were exposed to a cat with feline leukemia when they were tiny and now they test positive for the virus. They show no signs of illness or distress and could live a long healthy life with a great family. Since they carry the virus, they should only be exposed to other kitties who are also FELV positive.

Cannoli is a boy and Muffin a girl and they are GREAT! They love to play and race around like silly kids looking for the fun in life. They play and play until it’s time for naps and then they snooze in the cutest ways possible. They are absolutely delightful little ones who love people and having fun and making life a bright happy experience for everyone around them.

These kittens are purrfect. If you are looking for a pair of wonderful little ones, please do consider adopting them. It’s important to know about FELV but if you have room in your home and your heart for great new family members, please don’t let that stop you from making them a joyous part of your life and family.

Special adoption fee available for the right family for Cannoli and Muffin!



Ally is a sweet, loving girl, she is about 12 years old. She loves pets and cuddles from her people. She lived without cats for most of her life but in foster, she is doing okay with others that leave her alone. She is quite a chubby girl at the moment and would do well to have a healthy diet plan. More fun activities and lots of love is what she is hoping for.
She is available under the Senior cats for Seniors, for a fee of $40 to a senior adopter. In Kenai, 907 776 4056



Blue Bell

Blue Bell

Blue Bell is totes adorbs!
This ‘Little Kitten’ as she is also know loves cuddles, play time and to be loved on. She purrs instantly when you approach her and she is friendly with other cats.

She tolerates dogs as well, but they aren’t her favorite. She has a rambunctious side and loves to play with kitty toys of all kind. Blue Bell is a pretty kitten with a great personality!

She is about 3 months old and would love a home with another kitty and a yard.
In Eagle River, but we can arrange travel for purrfect home. Call/text 960-0096.



Alora is beautiful! A startling design of brilliant color with white tippy toes. She is a young adult.

Alora is all sweetness and snuggies. She LOVES to be loved. Being pet is the high point of her day. She would love to join a great family and help them with chores, hang out with them, maybe even make a warm spot on the bed at night. She seems okay with a mellow cat and isn’t bothered by dog barking; face to face interaction we are unsure of. But she is willing to try for a great home. She will need a safe place to go outside when she needs a nature time out.

In Houston House. Call 315-9510



Wizard is a ‘cute as a button’ kitten in black and white. He’s the classic tuxedo. He’s about 4 months old.

Wizard is a darling. He is affectionate, playful, curious, fun AND cuddly, all the best of kittenhood. He does fine with other kitties; we don’t know about dogs but a mellow dog would probably be fine. He will need a cat friend in his new home and a safe yard to go out with his family when the weather is nice.

In Wasilla. Call 980-8898




Aww… pretty not-so-little Sky.  She’s just like us! She likes her kibble. 😉
Sky is about 8 years old and full of looove. She LOVES being brushed and pets, so if you are looking for a lap cat. YOU’VE FOUND HER!
She is a cat so her independent streak is defintiely present as she does not come to you. But, if you go to her and ask her to spend some time with you, she will accept very politely.
She gets pets and you get sweet kitty love. Win-Win!

Sky is mellow and likes most other nice creatures, but would be best suited in a quiet home.
She is in Anchorage, but can travel for the perfect place. Please call or text us at 960-0096 to meet this QT!





Spook is a fluffy boy all in black. He is sturdy and muscular and about 4 years old.

Spook is a sweetheart. He is very gentle and will do best in a home with other gentle critters and people. He loves his people. He is very affectionate and cuddly with his family. He does fine with another mellow cat and can co-exist with a dog who leaves him alone. He’s great with older kids and would be a terrific companion of a child who likes to snuggle at night and go outside in the day to check out the natural world. Spook is an excellent hunter. He loves to be out in good weather to hunt, to enjoy the breeze and birdsong, to snooze in the sun. But he is so happy to have a home and family to be with when it gets cold. He’s a wonderful boy with a lot of happiness and love to share with a kind family.

In Wasilla. Call 980-8898



Nicole is gorgeous and full of life. She has a tabby and white coat with adorable designs on her face. She is young, maybe 2 years old.
Nicole LOVES attention. She would be happy to be picked up and carried around the house for hours, purring, snuggling up against her person. But she is not all quiet cuddlebug, she is a crazy playing girl too! She loves to play with her tunnel. When her foster goes into the room, Nicole will run into the room and zoom into the tunnel, waiting for the funnest tunnel game ever to start. She likes to lay in there while  plastic balls are rooled toward her and she bats them like a baseball player at bat 😺 She is delightful and wonderful. She would like a yard to go out in but she has no intention of leaving her loved ones behind.

She would be best as the lone queen of her kingdom as she isn’t too interested in other kitties and possibly not doggies either.
In Anchorage, but can travel. Please call 980-8898.



Misty is a lovely sweetheart not yet a year old. She has soft as a bunny fur and the cutest little funny markings on her face.

Misty is delightful. She is anxious to please her people and to have fun! Her life so far has been one of staying alive. Now that she has a chance to enjoy life more than scrambling for food and shelter, she is SO happy. It’s fun to be loved and cared for and she is so appreciative. She will play with you and share your affections. She’s ready to settle into a great family and be their little girl forever. When nice weather returns, she will love to go outside in the yard……..not too far……but an outing for fun and the joy of being loved and alive!

In Wasilla. Call 841-7711



Tim is a sleek haired boy with an ebony coat. He is about 5 years old. He came to us declawed.

Tim is a lover. At first it was hard to tell. He was in so much pain. Tim had a bad declaw at some point in his life and it has caused him to suffer so much that he didn’t want to walk around and he felt fearful and depressed.

He was taken to the pound because his human thought he just needed a different kind of home where he would be happy; there was no consideration that he was in pain. We rescued him and once in foster, given supplements to help with inflammation and some pain meds to give him some relief, he started to show what a loving sweet boy he really is. He is okay with other cats and mellow dogs, but he doesn’t need to be intimidated by others. He is SO affectionate with his people, just a wonderful boy. He does great with older kids, loves to be loved and give love back with lots of purrs. He loves to go outside and will need a safe place to enjoy the wonders and joyful diversion of the natural world.

In Eagle River, but can travel. Call 960-0096.




Pearl is a 9 month old slender, short haired tabby with the cutest little face. She’s not very big and acts like a kitten.

She is super playful and talks to her people. She’s a riot and knows how to make a party! She LOVES people! She is good with other cats too and does not want to be left alone. She is very social. She likes to have at least one person in the room with her. She has cute quirky ways, sleeps in the sink, races around like a silly kitty. When spring comes, she will want to go outside with her people and frolic in the flowers.

In Wasilla. Call 980-8898



Orion, a boy, and Taranis, a girl, are adorable, gorgeous kitties. Orion is a tabby with the classic M on his forehead. Taranis appears to be a long haired Russian Blue, a Nebelung mix. They are about 4 1/2 months old.

These two are not litter mates. But they became fast friends in their foster home and they bonded. They love to hang out together, cuddle and play and just generally be in the company of each other. They are super sweet with their people and love to be pet and cuddled. They will want to go outside in the yard with their family next spring so they will need a safe place to watch butterflies and smell the flowers.

In Wasilla. Call 841-7711



Dane is a wonderful boy, about 1 1/2 yrs old and still full of teenage kitten energy! He has a gorgeous tiger coat with white accents, short haired and always neat.

He loves to go outside in the summer to explore and hunt, so a home with a safe outside area where he can hunt and explore is a must. He is ok with other cats and nice dogs. He would particularly be happy to be adopted with his foster home friend, Swan, who he likes to hang out with. He is young and loves to play and race around. He gets so excited sometimes that he gives love bites, not hard or mean, but because of that, he would do best with older kids rather than toddlers. He really enjoys playing laser light and playing with toys on a string and would be great fun for older kids. He’s a great buddy to have for playtime and snuggle up time. And if you want a cat who will be happy to greet visitors, this is your guy!

He is in Soldotna, 907 953 0333



Dobby and Honeybun ‘HB” may not be blood brothers but, don’t tell them that! These two have become fast best friends in the midst of their foster home. They balance each other out perfectly, and we can’t imagine separating them!
While Dobby(white) is brave, playful, and a snuggle bug, Honeybun(orange) takes some warming up to! He tends to be a bit shy, but super curious about the big humans jumbling around the house! HB loves booty scratches and Dobby adores gentle face pets, those plus a few treats will surely win their kitten hearts over!  Great with all other kitties.
Best in a smaller, quieter home so that Honeybun doesn’t feel overwhelmed and Dobby can help him settle in.

They are 4 months old and come fixed, vaccinated and microchipped for $125 ea. In Anchorage but can travel.
Call 960-0096 to meet them!







Oh Bean– He is a mama’s boy. He’s the apple of his mama’s eye. An only kitten, Bean has mistaken all his participatory ribbons for first place ribbons. (Understandably). He doesn’t lack the confidence of a ninja, just the skills. To put it bluntly, he’s a clutz.

Maybe it’s just a matter of growing into his long legs, maybe he just needs to escape his mama’s clutches, or maybe he needs a playful kitty friend to provide some real competition. Bean may grow into a graceful cat, but for now, he’s pretty entertaining!

Follows humans around the house always curious, every new open door, he must go in it! Likes to play with his feather toys. Spry and big jumps!
Gives the sweetest softest little meows when he’s purring and being and affectionate. Sleeps at the humans feet at night.
Still not 100% ready to go exploring the big world on a harness and leash, but he’s willing to go outside and stay by the front of the house, goes a little further every time!

Bean is about 4 mos old and gets along with other cats, dogs and nice kids. Bean needs another kitty friend and a loving person to laugh at his antics. Take a chance on Bean!
In Anchorage, but can travel. Please call/text 960-0096.



Aslan is a year or two and gorgeous. He has a magnificent coat in orange tabby pattern, very Maine Coonish look.

Aslan is very sweet with his people. But  he can be shy at times. There are days he loves attention and will roll over and over for pets, and days that he prefers to do his own thing. Has never met a cat he doesn’t love. He considers every one a potential bff. He is typically more outgoing with people if one of his cat friends is in the room with him. He has had limited time around dogs but seemed to do ok with them. He does love to play, he prefers the laser light or small toys.  He’s a catnip fan and loves kitty treats too. He came from a place where he had to hunt to survive but so far in foster he seems happy to have the safety and comfort of a loving home. He may want to go at some point in his life so a safe yard would be needed for naps in the sun.

He’s in Soldotna. Call 907-953-0333




This astoundingly beautiful creature is Timmy.

Timmy is, by all accounts, an Abyssinian. When you look up Abyssinian traits you will see that “while Abys will cheerfully entertain themselves, they are most happy when they can be involved in every aspect of your life” and “they will often perch on shoulders, crawl under covers, and sit in laps purring loudly before racing off to chase imaginary butterflies”.

This describes Timmy perfectly – he is a very confident, outgoing and self possessed young gentleman. We estimate his age to be 6-7 years. Timmy is fixed, up to date on his shots, and has a microchip.

It took Timmy awhile to adapt to his foster home, but once he settled in he got on well with all the other pets including a senior cat, a very tiny kitten, and the world’s nosiest dachshund (to name a few).

If you’d be interested in meeting Timmy to see if you’d be a good match, please contact his foster at 907.947.8524.




Cocobear or Cocokitty, whichever you prefer. She doesn’t really care as long as you’re loving on her.

This Maine Coone lookin’is the most easy going kitty. She loves kitties and does not kidn dogs. She is even okay with nice kiddos.
She wants to be a cuddler and a lap cat, so you definitely need to be able to give her plenty of attention.
Coco is in Anchorage but can travel for the purrfect home. Please text/call 960-0096.









Hoss is a young golden tiger boy, probably only 1 or 2 years.

Hoss is very friendly towards people. He’s an insta-cat with humans. He is very curious and loves playtime. He is full of love for his family. He does love going outside with his people or on his own and will need a safe outdoor area to explore when the weather is nice. He isn’t too fond of other cats but he was fine with little dogs, even rubbed up on them and played with them a little. But he would also be fine as an only pet.

He is currently in Soldotna but could travel for the right family. 907 398 9128.



Fern has that super soft sleek coat that just begs to be petted. And he is so happy to receive attention that he will sit at your feet and talk to you until he is noticed by his people. He purrs and purrs and will happily be the center of attention. He is 3 1/2 months old and has been raised with cats and dogs.

Fern loves to play with his friends and race around the house being a delightful boy. He will need a safe place to go outside with his family when he’s adjusted to his new home, as well as a feline buddy to share his home.

In Eagle River. Call 960-0096



Night Star is a lovely tortoiseshell girl with a coat that is light and dark like a dappled autumn forest. She is 2 years old and such a sweetheart.

Night Star is very affectionate with her people and loves to be pet. She was found outside after a family moved, but she doesn’t hold that against humans. Although she can be a little shy at first, she is still ready to give people a chance and shows her sweetness and gratitude with purrs and snuggles. She is not sure about other animals but is doing okay in her foster home with cats. She will need time to adjust to a new home but she is ready to settle into a happy forever home and be loved.

She is in Nikiski but could travel for the right adopter. 907 776 4056




This is Blue. He’s a 3-year old Birman. His family is moving away and can’t take him along so we are looking for a new home for him.
Blue is in excellent health, smart, very affectionate and friendly with everyone.

Blue likes to be outside much of the time so his new home needs to be near a green area or woods where he can play and catch mice. Blue has an outdoor, insulated and heated cat kennel that sit at our back door so he can come and go (his kennel can go with him). He also loves sitting on your lap to watch TV. His favorite treat is a bit of cream. Blue is a happy cat!! He is either in the woods, in his warm kennel or on your lap. He’s a dear.
Please help us find Blue a loving family. 907-348-0243 or 907-952-4625



Vanessa is a darling little gray tabby girl. She is short haired, about 4 months old.

Vanessa is a ball of energy and a purr machine when you pet her favorite spots. She loves to play with the laser and other kitties. She’s not bashful though she likes to get love on her schedule – usually after she’s worn herself out playing. She needs a friendly kitty friend and a safe place to chase dragonflies outside.

In Wasilla. Call 980-8898



Meet sweetheart Mittens! She is such a lovely slim girl with such gentle ways about her, great house manners and not a mean bone in her body. She has a neat tuxedo coat and a cute little face that is a bit sad right now. She is maybe 5 years old.

Mittens is just fine with other nice cats and dogs and older children who are as kind and loving as she is. She lost her family because of allergies and it’s been tough getting over that loss. But now she is ready for a wonderful kind home. She loves to be pet by her settled, loving people. She will purr her little heart out to have a safe home and forever family, a family who will never leave her or give her away. She would love a little yard where she and her people can go outside in nice weather and be happy together.

In Wasilla. Call 980-8898



Twins Quinn (boy) and Finley (girl) are 3 month old


kittens who would love to have a loving new home together. They are short-haired tabby babies, sleek and soft.

Quinn and Finley are both full of love, big purrs and playfulness. When not running around playing, they enjoy lap time together with their people. They do great with other kitties. We don’t know about dogs. When they are bonded with their family they would love to go outside with their people on nice days to play in the grass and watch the butterflies.

In Anchorage. Call 960-0096.

Q and Finn





As Groucho Marx once said, “A black cat crossing your path signifies the animal is going somewhere.”

Frida is young black cat ready to go places! Fair warning, beware of her morning “leg-wrapping.” She’s been known to trip up unsuspecting humans. But all she wants is a few pets and a little affection and she’ll let you drink your coffee in peace.

Frida is a deep soul in a young cat. She’s had a rough start in life as did her namesake, but I think if you give Frida a chance you’ll be delighted with her steadfast companionship.

Frida is about a year old. She’s friendly and good with kids. She would prefer to be an only cat. May be okay with dogs. In the spirit of the season give this black kitty a chance!

In Eagle River but can travel. Please call/text 960-0096 to learn more.




Raven is a beautiful and loving solid black kitten girl. She is about 4 months old.
She loves kitties and kiddos and gets along with doggos.
She likes chin pets and treats!
And, you should see how good she is on a harness! This little panther would love a furrever home with other kitties.
She’s in Anchorage and can travel. She’s spayed, vaccinated and microchipped. Please text/call us at 960-0096 to meet her.




Maisy is a lovely delicate flame point girl with blue eyes. She is about a year old.

Maisy is a precious spirit cat, one who needs a quiet loving family to give her the time she needs to adjust to a whole new world of humans and environment. She loves people and is a total cuddlebug when her trusted humans give her pets. She does fine with other nice cats and mellow dogs. And she would be great with a gentle kind older child. She lost her home when her person became allergic and that has been hard but she’s ready to try again. She is so hoping that a wonderful settled family will come for her, take her into their heart and treat her in the gentle loving ways that she treats others.

In Anc. Call 960-0096



Best cat ever…and we’re cat people!

Nicky Boy (Age 12)

Nicky Boy is a 12 year old grey and white cutie patootie. The most darling sweetheart!
He talks to humans, loves nice kitty friends and is super mellow.

He was bullied by other kitties in his previous home so he will need a very loving home with mellow and loving kitties and doggies.
We just can’t say enough good things about this grey colored, front declawed booties, sweetie.
He is older so he will need supplements in his diet.
Please consider sharing your quiet and calm home with Nicky Boy… he has so much love to give!
In Anchorage, but can travel for a purrfect home.
Call/text 960-0096 to learn more.



Callie is a very beautiful tortoiseshell girl a couple years old. She has short hair in the wonderful colors of an autumn forest.

Callie is sweet and gentle.  She is shy with strangers and cautious. She had kittens and her job was to make sure they were safe. Now that her job is over, she is learning to relax and accept the love of people. She loves to be pet by a kind hand and she would be happy to be your bed buddy on cold winter nights. She is still uneasy around uncertain dogs and other cats but a mellow companion would be just fine. She will need a yard to go out in to enjoy good weather, and lots of love.

In Wasilla. Call 980-8898



Kit-teacup is a spayed female brown tabby, she came to us from the Kenai Shelter. She is very sweet and playful and seems ok with other cats. She is about 3 or 4 years old. She is currently in Soldotna but could travel for the right family. 907 398 9128



Tybee is a cute little 3 1/2 month old boy. He has silky soft fur that is muted gray and white with tiger stripes.

Tybee is a playster. He likes to romp around and be crazy like a kitten. He loves playing with large pompoms and kung fu fighting with his sister. He very much enjoys the company of other cats. But he loves his people too. Getting belly rubs are one of his favorite activities when he has worn himself out racing around and being silly. He will need a cat friend in his new home. And when he’s settled into his new, he will need a safe place to go outside.

In Wasilla. Call 980-8898



Starla is a most amazingly beautiful girl. She is a calico but  such a striking coat that is lush and gorgeous, and what awesome eyes! She is a couple years old.

Starla is the all around perfect cat. She is good with kids and she’s been great with her kittens. Not sure how she’ll do with another adult cat. She is tolerant of dogs if they are not in her face. She doesn’t like them but she is fine ignoring them. She is happy to be happy and loved. She is mellow, comfortable, lovely. An easy sweet girl that would fit in a happy home where she is treated well. She would like a  safe yard to be out in with her family in good weather. Purrfect!

In Wasilla. Call 980-8898



Attu is a very loving little tabby girl with a soft-as-cashmere coat. She is about 3 1/2 months old.

Attu is delightful. She has been raised with other kitties, NICE doggies and gentle loving children. She loves them all. She likes to be cuddled and carried around for snuggles. And she loves to play, with toys and with her happy kitty friends. She will need a feline companion in her new home as well as people who will give her lots of attention and playtime. She will also need a safe yard where she can go outside with her family and enjoy the lovely warm days of Alaska.

She’s in Anchorage. Call 960-0096



Hunter is a young solid black cutie pie we rescued from a colony in Anchorage. He is a mellow, loving and loyal kitty. He likes other cats and dogs, of all sizes and shape. He loves people, and is looking for a best friend. Hunter is about a little under 2 years old, with lots of love to give to the right family.

In Palmer, but can travel for the purrfect home. Call 980-8898 to meet this cutie.

Hunter is sponsored by another black kitty, Ducky Purr and can be adopted for $40.




Kittykat is looking for her forever home! She is a chubby calico girl with pretty markings and so much love.

She has had a rough couple of years and so desires a quiet, and mature home to call her own. Kittykat is a senior girl at the age of 10, but don’t let that sway you, she is full if energy, love and purrs! She has lived with cats in the past, but due to stress is struggling with her feline friends in her foster home so she will need a patient family that can help her in introductions to other pets!

Serious inquiries can message me or call 315.9510



Calypso is a 12 week old kitten, she is spayed, microchipped and has her 1st vaccination. She is a medium hair tortoiseshell. She is going to be a wonderful family cat, ok with kids, cats, and dogs. Will need a safe outdoor area to play in.  She is in Soldotna but could travel for the right home. She will need a home with a cat friend, adult or kitten.  907 953 0333



Arillo is the sweetest little girl ever. She is about 3 1/2 months old and pretty shimmery ebony.

She loves her people. She is very friendly and happy to hang out with humans  to play and cuddle and share love. But she also likes getting feisty and having fun, kung fu fighting with her brother and racing around. She is absolutely a bundle of wonderfulness. She will need a feline friend in her new family as well as a safe yard to play in.

In Wasilla. Call 980-8898



Disco is what everyone thinks a cat should be! He’s loving, loyal, confident, and full of charm! He’s great with all cats and dogs, the big ones and little ones. The slow ones and the fast ones. He loves people, and his best pal is a ferret. Disco is about a little under 2 years old, with lots of love to give to the right family.

In Wasilla. Call 980-8898



Cecilia is a sweet little lady. She’s about 2 years old and just a love.
Cecilia doesn’t mind other kitties or doggies.
She loves to “help” with chores like doing laundry or making dinner…always around telling you how to do it right. 😺

Shes a beautiful tabby and if you are in the market for a great cat, this is as good as it gets.
In Anchorage but can travel for a perfect home. Call/text 9600096 to learn more.


Mr. Binx

Mr. Binx loves to play! This 1 year old boy loves to run around and climb on things. He likes nice cats, but isn’t too sure of doggies.
Binxy is a long slinky black kitty who just loves to sleep on his person’s bed and taunt you with his exposed belly before he suddenly jumps up into kitty play attack mode for your hand. Mr. Binx is not super cuddly, rather hyper and playful 😊.
So if you need someone to wear out your other kitty or kiddo ;), this is your dude.
In Wasilla, but can travel. Please call 980-8898 to learn more or to meet this little guy.



JADE needs a new home!
She is a 2 year old short hair calico cutie pie!

Jade has not been outside before, so she will need to be taught how to enjoy the garden and fresh air safely, if she chooses to. She will need to also be taught how to be around doggies or kitties, as she has led a solitary life so far.
Families with kids over 6 are recommended.

Jade has lot of energy and love to play and be a sassy cat, but also has a lot of down time where she likes to lay on your back and purr.
AND, she gives you “kisses” when she nudges her head on your nose.

Jade is in Anchorage and vaccinated, fixed and chipped. $75.
Please call or text us at 960-0096 to learn more.



Izzy is a darling kitten about 3 1/2 months old. She is a tortie point Siamese with a soft ivory coat, marbled markings and pretty blue eyes.

Izzy is a delightful kitty who loves to play and cuddle and do all the fun things that kittens do. She enjoys exploring and checking out every little thing in the house. And what a cuddlebug! She would love a family who will give her hugs and kisses and pets, let her sleep with them. She loves other kitties and will need a cat friend in her new home as well as a safe place to go outside with her family.

In Wasilla. Call 841-7711



Delilah: sweet, affectionate 4 month old kitten who will make air biscuits while you hold her.
She has come a long way from growling while syringe feeding her. She begs for attention. Gently climbs your leg and plops over on her back for attention. Does well with other cats and probably mellow dogs. Kids unknown. Must have a home with other kitties.
Best of all, loves unraveling toilet paper!

In Anchorage but can travel. Delilah is fixed, vaccinated and microchipped. $125.



Solly Bear is a soft as cashmere boy maybe a year old. He has BIG paws.  He’s built sturdy and is very handsome with a black coat with dashes of frosty white.

Solly Bear is a charmer. Although he is a shy boy, and skittish from living on the edge during his early life, he has a way of winning love. He will run away from you and then come back, tip his head to the side, grab and toy, roll over with his tummy in the air and give you that look to say, I am cute and fun. And then he’ll race off up the stairs hoping you will follow. He loves to join his person in their daily chores, going room to room, talking to you and waiting for you to notice him and share a conversation. He is quite vocal and expressive. Solly Bear loved his kitty friend who got adopted and he would really like a boy kitty pal he can wrestle and race around with. He is still in that teenage boy stage where he thinks jumping out of a corner at the girl cats is funny, even when they tell him they hate it. So a companionable fun boy cat would be a great buddy for this sweet boy.

Being from an uncertain background, he will probably be skittish in a new home for a while, but he does LOVE being pet–he rolls around, he purrs, he drools– once he trusts you. That trust could take a while, but in the meantime, this little Bear of a boy will give you so much pleasure with his company and his funny little ways. He spent a lot of time outside in his former life and will want to go out again when he has bonded to his new kitty friend, his people family and his new home. He is in a foster home in Soldotna.

Call 980-8898



I have two kittens both boys just turned a year old. Both of them have been neutered and vaccines.

Thing One is almost all white with orange spots. He loves playing with dogs and kids. His favorite game is tag and he loves doing tricks. And loves to be up high and will jump on your frig and hang out to watch you cook.

Thing Two is almost all orange and is turning out to be a big boy. He is supper soft and a major cuddle bug. He is very great with kids and dogs. Doesn’t show interest in playing just wants to sit with you and be petted. He ignores dogs. Never scared or aggressive.

They both love to keep you company at night. Will always greet you at the door. (And everyone else) I have never had them attack my chickens but love chasing mice outside.

They both come with the bed, cat tower, case of food, and dried food. Plus bowls tray and litter box. Oh and toys.

I’m not asking money. I just want them to go to a good home where they will be loved. I can’t take them all the way with me to Florida.

Call or text @ 907-690-6313



Treasure is a good looking blue eyed fellow  with tiger stripes on his face and brown and white coat. She is 7-9 years old.

Treasure is such a sweet boy, all about getting and giving love. He adores being cuddled and pet and talked to. He has such an easy personality that he does well with other nice cats and mellow dogs.  He would enjoy some time outside with his family in the summer and a little alone time too, to contemplate the happiness of having a real forever loving family of his very own.

In Wasilla. Call 980-8898



Foxy lady!
This little lady is about 10, but none of us would have guessed it! She is full of energy and bounce! I mean, just look at that floof!
She is DARLING. Foxy lost her home recently and really wants a new one. She will do almost anything to get it. She will be nice to your doggies and kitties. She will sit on your lap, purr and snuggle… you won’t be able to resist giving her kisses. Her hair will be in your lashes because she will snuggle next to your head… JUST GIVE HER A THRONE ALREADY. She is simply wonderful.
We very much *heart* Foxy and hope her new home is just around the corner.
She’s in Anchorage but can travel. Please call or text us at 960-0096 to meet this beauty.



Adorable 3 1/2 month old kitten, Daisy is the cutest little thing. Tiny tuxedo with white tippy toes and big golden eyes.

Daisy is a precious bundle of love. And FUN!! She loves to play, race around after toy birds and play mice and she especially loves to play with her kitty friends. She will need a feline pal in her new home. She does fine with all the nice cats and she tolerates the mellow dog just fine, though she would rather he not get in her face. She will need a home with a safe yard to go outside with her family. And lots of love and cuddles for her. Adoption fee is $125

In Wasilla. Call 980-8898



Sunny MacOrange is a warm sunrise color that reflects his amazing personality. He is short haired and muscular with cute chubby boy-cat cheeks.

Sunny is the most actively affectionate cat I have ever met. He loves loving. And he doesn’t hide that from his beloved person. He loves to give kisses and face smooshes and heat butts. He does the sweetest little love nips, just a tiny click of his teeth like he is picking off a flea. He will roll over on his back in your arms and give you that look like you are the one and only in the world. He is a super wonderful cat. He does everything with energy and enthusiasm, even the way he goes to his food bowl. He trots.

Sunny came to us from having been a homeless stray. His time out on his own must have been terrifying. Now he does not do well with other cats, likely from defending himself on the streets. We don’t know about dogs, but he is such a gentle boy it seems that he probably had to protect himself from loose dogs as well. He does just fine with older gentle kids.

Sunny needs a human who has a quiet settled home, and the patience to give him time to trust, AND who has lots and lots of love to shower on this wonderful cat as he returns every bit of affection many times over. He needs his own space, preferably his person’s sunny bedroom where he can share lots of huggable time together (he loves to nestle up against you to sleep). He may want to go outside again someday in a very safe yard. Or he may be happy just having his own home and special person and the assurance of safety and love forever.

He’s in Anchorage. Call 980-8898



This wonderful guy. Such a heartthrob! *loveykittyeyes*
Even the Greeks would approve of Apollo! 🙂

He is a 1 year old male, who is so nice. He is social yet mellow. He is quiet and keeps to himself and will come to you when he wants pets and love. He is declawed, but he still like to enjoy the Alaskan outdoors. (Who doesn’t?! 🙂
He likes kiddos and doggies, but he’s never been around other kitties, so cannot tell you about that. He is patient with kids and will let them know when he is done playing. Same with doggies.

Please consider this handsome fella. He is in Anchorage and needs a home by 8/25!

All CCCR kitties are neutered, vaccinate and microchipped. Apollo is $75.

Foster or Adopt! Call/text us at 960-0096 to learn more.



Adorable little 7 month old kitten. Polly.
Tiny as a kitten and will always be small, she is the cutest little thing with her miniature panther look.

Polly is a little sweetheart. She loves to play and she is very affectionate with her people. She loves other fun kitties and doggies.
Polly will be a little shy with strange people in the beginning, but she would soon be your darling little cuddlebug and helper. She is so playful that we couldn’t catch her being still for a photo.

Polly came from a crowd of kitties who had marginal care and when she was a kitten, she caught a kitty cold. She got over it but in times of stress, the cold symptoms will probably return. She carries the Herpesvirus and the virus may be contagious to other cats.
But since about 80% of cats carry the virus, she is not unusual.

What she needs most for health and happiness is a stable family who loves her. She does just fine with mellow dogs and has lived with a LOT of dogs in her foster home.

Polly the Adorable is in Wasilla, but can travel. Call 980-8898 to learn more.



Elegance is the the only beauty that never fades” – Audrey Hepburn

Introducing Eliza – a very sweet little lady with an undeniable air of elegance in every step she takes. Eliza is still a little hesitant about meeting new people, but once she has made your acquaintance she will shower you with purrs and cuddles. Eliza gets along well with other cats as well as small dogs. Eliza has never experienced big dogs or small children – but we suspect she would do well as long as they respect her space. Eliza will do well in a house that understands that sometimes a young lady requires peace and quiet, she loves to sit at the window and chirp at the birds. Eliza is probably about a year old.

Eliza resides in Wasilla. Call 907.947.8524 to arrange a meet and greet with this little lady.



Randy is about 2 years old. Good with dogs and cats. He does especially love to have a special dog friend. He can be shy with people and it will take a while before he can be pet but he is a great kitty to have around and part of the family. He’ll do his thing, be a great buddy for your nice cat and dog. May be best with older kids. He can be pet by his people once he has bonded with them. He is a sweet little guy who just wants love.

He’s in Wasilla. Call 631-1901



Crisco and Rocket are gorgeous boys, soft as cashmere all in ivory. They are bonded and have lived together the 4 years of their lives.

These boys are SO sweet. Their mom died and they are feeling a little lost and alone. They are gentle loving boys who had love and a great home and who now are in need of someone to take them in and fill their hearts again with hope. They do fine with other cats and dogs too. They would be great with older children who are kind. They would enjoy a little yard where they can go out with their family and enjoy the glorious summer weather. They will be a great pair of cats for a happy family that doesn’t want to worry about their cat being lonely while they are at work or school.

They are in Anchorage. Call 980-8898




JARVIS may look like a grumpus but he’s a love! Mean-mugging you all the way home… 🙂
This silky smooth tiger kitty wasn’t doing well at the shelter so we rescued him! And, has he been thanking us since day 1!
Jarvis is about 2 years old and loves pets and scratches. He loves toys and gets along with other kitties. We don’t know about dogs or kiddos because his foster has neither, but if you are in love, do give him a chance.
Jarvis has been curious but careful about being outside so he will need a yard to call his own.

If this tabby ‘grumpy’ cat is something you have been dreaming of, do give us a call or text to meet him.
In Anchorage, can be reached at 960-0096.



Sweet Pea is a 1.5 year-old tiny sleek beauty. Her name is oh-so-very fitting for her personality. She is a total lover and a sweetheart. She came to us from a loving home and only has love to give. She likes other kitties and nice doggies.
She loves pets and toys. We are not sure about kiddos, but respectful children who would give her gentle loves would likely be welcome.

Sweet pea is in Anchorage and would love to find her new soft fluffy gentle cozy warm loving home. Please call or text us at 960-0096 to meet this furrbaby.



Nomie is a small boy maybe as much as a year old. He has a cute little mask and sleek longish hair in black and white. At present he has a bad haircut and yet he is the cutest little thing ever! He has LOTS of toes. He is super polydactyl!

Nomie is a sweet adorable boy who loves to play. He would like to entertain you with the mouse on a string game for hours a day. And while playing, lots of cuddles and kisses are important to keep things interesting. He is curious and full of the joy of life. He is very happy to have a safe and loving home with regular meals and a warm dry place to snuggle up for naps. He came from a very marginal home with holes in the roof and floor, no heat, and never enough food. He was loved and pet by the person but life was rough. And many of the cats in his family didn’t survive. He still has the startle/run reaction to strange or sudden things but he is so lovable, that will pass as he adjusts to a new place. Nomie knows how to hunt and he thinks that will be great fun in a good backyard. He must have a kitty friend. He loves his foster mate and one of his former colony, Solly Bear, and would be happy to go to a new home with him. But he thinks a new friendly buddy in a new loving home would work too.

He’s in Homer but his foster is happy to provide transport for a great family to Anchorage or Wasilla. Call 980-8898



Java is approximately 9 months old and quite possibly the sweetest cat you will ever meet. She loves to be held tight and is a total face nuzzler. If you’re looking for a cat that will sit with you for hours just to hang out, this is the one.

She is a very vocal cat and never fails to tell you how she if she wants loves. Great with kids but other cats seem to be jealous of her snuggly nature so she would do well to be an only cat, and no dogs.

She’s in Wasilla. Call 980-8898



Puffer is the cutest short haired tabby boy you could dream of. Maybe a year or two old. But his looks are not the most terrific thing about him.

Puffer is a sweetheart. He is affectionate and playful and perfect in just about every way. He is great with nice kids and would love to have some human playmates, especially those that would like to go out in the yard and explore together. He does fine with other nice cats. He’s not sure about dogs, but maybe a mellow canine housemate would be fine. He loves to go out and do some hunting; he would be your purrfect protector of the home. Puffer is a great cat for a family who wants an interactive family member in handsome kitty clothing.

In Wasilla. Call 980-8898



Fireball is a beautiful young female, short haired calico with an amazing coat that blends golden tortoiseshell  and striking calico. She is about 1 yr old.

She is great with everyone, cats, dogs, and kids. Affectionate but very busy during hunting season. She LOVES to hunt. If you want a feline to guard your home and garden from invading rodents. She will take care of it! She will definitely need a safe outdoor area.

Available in Kenai, 907 398 9128



Squiggles is an adorable 8 month old boy who is so soft and cuddly. He’s the color of sunshine and will make you feel like you’re living with the radiance of a sunny day.

Squiggles was born and raised in our care rather than the cruel world of hunger and a fight to survive, therefore he is full of love, life and joy! This little man is super lovey, and enjoys his humans very much. He’s a young but mature soul and would rather hang with the older kitties than climb the curtains, but don’t let that fool you, this little guy has his own unique humor about him!! He has never been around dogs or small children so a safe introduction would be needed. He would love a safe yard to go out in with his family when he has bonded and knows home.

He’s in Wasilla. Call 315-9510



Dominick is a handsome 3 year old boy in a tuxedo coat. His fur is silky and super soft.

Domm has spent most of his life chasing skirts and fighting, but now he wants to be a family man. He’s a little standoffish at first, but once he gets to know you he craves people attention.  He loves to be pet and sharing the love he’s missed for all the time he was left on his own outside. He is still getting accustomed to the loud noises and sudden fast movements that go in a busy house but he is destined to be a very good lap cat. He would do fine in a house with one other cat, or he could do without another cat at all. He does like to sniff the dog’s nose to nose. On occasion he has joined in on dog shenanigans. However, he prefers that they stay off the bed, and leave that to him and the humans.

Domm  is waiting in Wasilla for someone to cater to his personal petting needs. Please call 907-863-1444



Tommy is a cute, smaller-than-average cat with a brown tabby coat and brown eyes. He is estimated to be around 2 years old.

Tommy has spent most of his life in and out of shelters, and spent a portion in an abusive home. Because of this, he can sometimes be aggressive when provoked. The key with him is to let him come to you, instead of forcing him, because in reality, behind his tough exterior he loves to be pet and is very affectionate! He is never aggressive without a reason. He loves to cuddle (but never sits in laps), just make sure not to overstimulate him. He was completely covered in mats but was recently shaved under anesthesia, so his fur is so soft! He does very well with other cats, but not so much with children and dogs.

Tommy is special because he does get tummy trouble. He throws up every once in a while, usually once a week. Despite working with vets, it is unclear why he has digestive issues. He will need to be placed in a home that is willing to work with his needs, providing regular veterinary visits and patience. He needs someone that understands he will need extra attention, and be willing to give him a forever, loving home!

He’s in Anchorage, please call 907 903 6535




Prudence is a beautiful sleek young girl about 6 months old. She has a shimmery ebony coat that is silky to touch.

Pru loves to play. She and her sister romp around like silly kids. She is curious and fun and a cuddler too. She loves to be pet and will push against your hand for more and purr and purr. Loves to be in the middle of sitting down at the computer, purring and being the most adorable distraction. She will be a little shy with strange people, but once she knows you are her person, she will be ready for the kitty shenanigans to begin! She is such an adorable little furry purrbabe, she deserves a great family. She is skittish with loud noises and unusual activities but hugs make it all better. She had a rough start in life but now she is all set for a great fun and happy future. She would love to have a kitty friend in her new home, and she will need a safe yard to eventually go out in with her family. Can tolerate dogs if they leave her alone. Lots of love and fun times are waiting for the lucky people who make this sweetie a part of their lives.

In Wasilla. Call 980-8898



Bonkers is a 7.5 year old qt pa-tootie, flame-point Siamese boy!

He likes to explore outside, but ni-night inside. He would be best with older children because he’s no spring chikky,  and needs the respect he deserves.

Bonkers has been raised around dogs and does not mind them. We are not sure about other kittie-bitties. He’s a good boy. Loves attention and is mostly a calm happy boy.
His first family is moving so he needs a new home. He is neutered and will need updated on his vaccines and microchip.




Kittya is beautiful Lynx Point female, 5 years old. She has clear blue eyes and a tall, slender body with long fur.

Kittya loves to be around people and is a real meower-whenever she’s happy, sad, content, in need of something, she meows! She can be around other cats without being aggressive, but doesn’t socialize with them very often, and same with dogs. She loves to cuddle, and also loves the outdoors! Kittya will definitely need a safe area outside where she can relax and use the restroom-whenever given the option, she will choose to use the restroom outside rather than in a litter box (less cleaning for you!). She is very affectionate and loves laps, and will try to kiss you when she wants love. She’s been with one family her whole life, so she may need some time to adjust to a new environment. But when she is adjusted, it will be worth it!

She’s in Anchorage, please call 907 903 6535




Kitty is a senior kitty who needs a new home. Her caregiver cannot give her the home she is accustomed to, so she needs you.

She isn’t too chummy with other furry babies,  so best as an only pet.
She would prefer a slow-paced home with no kiddos.

She is a bit of an odd duck and uses the potty outside so having a yard to explore and to keep the litter box on the porch for her is important.  Kitty likes to be outside when it’s summer and spends her time inside during the winter.

Call us at 9073309001 to meet this cutie.



Naia is a sweet, fun, active kitten! She is about 5 months old. She gets along great with other cats. She would be fine with children. We do not know about dogs, but with a proper introduction a calm dog may be ok. She is young, so she will need to have a cat friend in her new home. She would love a safe outdoor area to explore with her family

She is in Kenai, but could travel for the right home. Adoption fee is $125.  907 776 4056



Julio is the sweetest girl you will ever meet, with round green eyes and a soft, gray tabby coat. She is on the chubby side, as she tends to eat continuously throughout the day, so you will need to maintain a healthy diet plan with her. She’s estimated to be around a year old. (Her ear is just folded down in the picture)

Julio is very affectionate and loves to be pet, especially right above her tail. She’s a whacky kitty and will give you many laughs- she sleeps in the wildest positions, her booty shoots sky high when you pet it, and she’s one of the clumsiest cats I’ve ever met. She loves to be active and play, but can also be a complete couch potato. She seems very curious about the outside world but has not yet had the chance to be outdoors. She’s very good with children and other cats, it is unknown how she is with dogs. So gentle and loving and weird, she will capture your heart the moment you meet her!

She’s in Anchorage, please call 907 903 6535




Kitty is a trip! She’s a big girl, about 16 pounds, gorgeous rich tortoiseshell coat. She’s about 7 years old, intelligent and opinionated.

Kitty is a sweetheart who loves her people. She will let you know when it’s time to cuddle, plop on your lap and purr and purr. A big bundle of unconditional love. She is fine around non-intimidating dogs., but prefers to be an only.
She has the gravitas to pull off ‘aloof’ but really she is a marshmallow. She loves loving and she so wants to be loved by her family and given a special place in their heart. She’s mostly indoor but likes to go outside a bit, never wanders far from the front door. She loves to lay in the sun…and keep you company.

In Anchorage. Call 960-0096




Oreo is a beautiful medium haired male Siamese mix. He has gorgeous blue eyes and a brown and white coat. He’s about 8 years old.

Oreo does love his humans and would enjoy being the center of someone’s attention. He adores being pet and adored. He would be the purrfect companion for a loving person. He would prefer a home without other cats. Dogs, he ignores them. He is neutered, vaccinated, microchipped, and he just had his teeth cleaned.

Available in Wasilla. 907-863-1444



Mr Blue Eyes….also known as Charlie Bug….is a super handsome guy about 3 years old. He is a flame point Siamese with the bluest eyes and ivory coat..

Charlie is sort of an environmentalist, in that he seems to have some allergies to fragrance dispensers and mold and other things that cats, and humans, should not be breathing anyway. When he’s living in clean air in a normal home, he’s fine. But he does not care for all those nasty chemicals that pollute the air around us. So really Charlie Bug is a good guy to have around. Not only as a ‘canary in a mine shaft’ but as the best friend your could ever have. He is a great cat. Handsome! We can all see that. But also loving and sweet and devoted to his people. Not a great one for other cats, but dogs are okay, he LOVES his people. He also likes to go outside and enjoy the sweet Alaska air and the world of nature. Charlie is a terrific guy, ready to give you the love and devotion that he hopes to get in return.

In Wasilla. Call 980-8898


Pester  is a gorgeous boy with a creamy orange coat. He is HUGE. He  is short haired and mellow. He’s a senior boy about 10 years old.

Pester is really mellow but can be very vocal. He loves to sit in the window & sun himself . Also likes to be outside for a few hours at a time but will generally come when called! He’s an excellent hunter. He does NOT like other cats but does great with mellow dogs. He has his own room & knows when you say ‘nite nite’ that it’s time to go up to his room and get a treat and sunggle in for the night. He does not claw furniture & has never had any accidents outside his box. He  loves home grown catnip and cuddle time with his people. But he is not demanding at all. He is an elder boy who is semi-retired, but still perky enough to make your home bright and full of love.

In Palmer. Call Michele at 354-0755



Gizmo is a beautiful boy. He is golden with little white tippy toes, a lush coat, and a magnificent ruff. He is maybe about 3 years old.

Gizmo has probably been a stray most, if not all, of his life. He has had a rough time of it, making a living with no support system. The need to always be on guard and always be searching for food and shelter has made him suspicious about strange happenings. And yet, in a home situation, safe and given love and care, he has come a long way toward trusting humans. He does very well with other nice cats, and really is pretty doofy and playful now that he knows there is carefree fun to be had in life. He would do best in a quiet home where he can open up, other nice cat companions, and a safe space to lounge in the sun!

In Wasilla.




Otter is the cutest blue-eyed fellow of the Himalayan persuasion. He is a senior boy but loves to spread all around to kind gentle people. He is about 18 years old.

Otter is a lovely guy. He is retired and likes hanging out, basking in the cozy quarters of his happy home with a family who adores him. He doesn’t require much in the way of excitement; an evening movie would be fine, some cuddles from his people, a few pets, and good food. He would much prefer a home without other critters and one that is not chaotic and crazy loud. He needs his space to veg out, but he does want to be part of the family.

He’s in Wasilla. Call 631-1901



Blue is a gorgeous guy with blue eyes and a fluffy ivory coat. He is about 4 years old and he came to us declawed on all four paws.

Blue is adorable. He has a sweet gentle personality. He gets along with just about everyone who will be kind to him–cats, dogs, kids. He is ready to share cuddles and  his joyful outlook on life with the family lucky enough to adopt him.

In Anchorage. Call 960-0096




Beautiful little Minnie. She is black and white with little white booties and a harlequin smudge on her face. She is adorable!

Minnie is a very sweet gentle little girl. She just wants to please and be loved. She is great with gentle children. And she is okay with another mellow cat who is not intimidating. She is not a scaredy cat but she doesn’t like to be threatened. She needs a safe loving home with a family who will love and treasure her for the rest of her life. She is everything that a happy family would want in a cat so who could ask for more! She will need a safe yard to enjoy the beautiful summer days.

In Wasilla. Call 980-8898



Galaxy is a 6 month old kitten who came to us by way of a cat colony in Anchorage. She is curious but a bit shy. She will take some warming up to but can’t resist a sleeping buddy. Will pretend she doesn’t want to be around you, but just “happens” to be in the same room as you, often. Galaxy chooses when to give her love but can be bribed with treats. She’d really like a young and receptive kitty buddy to teach her the ropes of kitty manners and etiquette! Gets along great with other kitties(even grumpy ones)! No dogs or small kiddos (under 6) please. Please call or text 960-0096 for more info.



MP (aka Mini Pocket)

MP is the cutest little white booted kitty you could meet. He is about 6 months old and as an extra bonus, he has extra toes!

MP is a wonder! He is a survivor from a bad situation where so many others died of starvation and exposure. But he made it and he is so happy to be rescued! He loves to play. The joy and freedom of being able to play rather than beg for food is great! He shows that joy every day by romping and wrestling with his kitten friends and by the cuddles and love he gives people. He is a little uneasy around the big boys, and prefers to hang out with kittens. He would be fine with other nice kitties who are gentle with him. He will need a kitty friend in his new home and a safe place to go outside with his family in good weather. He is just learning to go out with his family on a leash and would love to play outside in the yard. He is sure he will be a good hunter too!

In Anchorage. Call 960-0096



Artemis and Athena are lovely young girls who are bonded. They love each other and depend on each other and would be happiest in a home together. Artemis a a dream of fluffy sweetness. She is black and white and the sweetest little thing ever. Athena is a Russian Blue looking little girl, slim and adorable. They are both about a year old.

Artemis is a joy. She is outgoing and playful. She loves to share fun and loveys with her family. She will roll and purr and do silly antics to entertain her friends. Athena is more reserved until she gets to know her people and then she is a delight of sweet cuddliness. They are a great pair and will make some family complete with love and fun. They will need a safe outside area to enjoy the spring.

In Wasilla. Call 980-8898




Samon is a handsome blue eyed flame point Siamese boy a couple years old. He has slightly crossed eyes which is common for Siamese cats.

Samson is very friendly. He is an indoor/outdoor boy who loves to go out and hunt. And he’s good at it! So if you need a protector of the homestead he would be great. He does okay with the mellow dog. And sometimes he seems like he might like a cat friend, though definitely not someone who is going to try to boss him. He is mellow and totally lovable. But he is top cat. He loves to check on and follow members of the house. He can handle a little rough housing with the kids now and then, and even purrs during play.  Guys are his favorite people, but he does check in with the mom of the house. He’s an amazingly great guy ready for a great family.

In Wasilla. Call 9073179409


Lil Bean is a gorgeous tuxedo boy with a very odd, and charming, frog voice. He is  about 9 years old and so full of love.

Lil Bean is the easiest guy ever to fit into a happy family and to love. He is Mr Mellow! He walked right in and did fine with the other cats, even the ones who hissed a bit. He said hello and moved on to doing his thing. Which mostly is hanging out being cuddly and sweet and causing no trouble whatsoever. He is delighted to be in a caring home. He would love to share a forever home with others who are kind and as contented as he is. He was very skinny when we got him and we found that he has diabetes. Now with his daily insulin shots, he is doing great.

Lil Beans is such an amazing cat that the need of daily insulin is minor compared to the absolute love and devotion that he will give. Lil Beans is wonderful!

In Anchorage. Call 980-8898



Corazon is a 1.5 year old adorable, very HANDSOME, wild kitty and tabby mix boy. He is very easy on the eyes, easy to love. And, he LOVES his people. A LOT!
Head butts, chin rubs, lap cuddles, naps, you name it, he’ll give it.


e gets his name because of the heart shape on his head and belly.
He doesn’t really like other kitties, and we’re not sure about doggies, so he’s best as an only animal.
But, he won’t leave you wanting for more kitty love because he’s so mischievous and playful!
He will need an outside area or yard to roam so if you have such a home or know of someone who does, please let us know.
He’s awesome and he simply needs to be the king of the castle.
Send a FB message, text/call us wherever you are (in Alaska).
ALL #cccrkitties are vaccinated, microchipped and fixed.



Freckles is a lovely girl with a unique coat.  She is a golden tortoiseshell, short haired, always neat and so soft. She is like a little jewel.

Freckles is quiet and gentle and a great friend of other friendly cats. She likes to race around like a silly girl at times but she never causes trouble; she loves to hang out and enjoy quiet days napping a her special quiet corner. She also enjoys going outside and hunting and she is good at it, an excellent protector of the home and grounds from invading rodents. Freckles is young, maybe a couple years old, and will be a beautiful addition to a loving family.

In Wasilla. Call 315-9510



Cortana is a very sweet female, longhaired black cat with extra toes. She has lived with other cats, and is somewhat quiet and reserved. She is just under 3 years old. Microchipped and current on vaccinations, Available for adoption in Kenai, 907 398 9128



Skookums is an 1.5 year   old blue-gray male kitty who has all the poise and beauty of a Russian Blue but the down-to-earth loving nature of a true-blue shelter rescue cat.
Skookums is a family cat. He has his favorite rooms and he is happy to stay put and entertain himself, cuddle with kitty housemates, and then get chin scratches and tummy rubs when his family gets home. He loves his people and his kitty friends and will probably do best in a family that has another cat. He will need a safe yard in his new home where he can go outside with his people to enjoy the summer and the delights of nature.
In Anchorage . Text 960-0096.




He’s a Manx! A fine looking boy with the classic short tail. He’s a young adult with a neat coat and great markings. And check out that face!

Stubbins is a cool guy. He is pretty easy going, gets along with most everyone. He has no interest in causing trouble, mostly he would prefer to spend some time outside hunting, then come in and snuggle up with family. He’s easy and loves to be pet. If you have a good place for him to go outside when the weather is nice, love to share, and a forever place in your heart for a wonderful cat, Stubbins would be your boy!

In Wasilla. Call 863-1444



Dot, because of the cute dot on his nose 🙂 is an adorable little boy about 4 months old.
A tiny tuxedo, short haired and with a flair of being mischievous.

Dot is a fun little guy who loves to romp and race about the house. He’s grown up with other cats and dogs and kids. He’s good at entertaining others with antics and kitten silliness and loves to cuddle when it’s time to settle down and nap.

He will need a safe place to go outside in the summer with his family. Darling little kitten just waiting for his families to take him home.

In Wasilla, but can travel. Call us at 631-1901 to learn more.

He comes with a microchip, neutered and vaccinated for $125.




precious‘EVERYBODY’S CAT’ kind of cat. Precious is a lovely short haired girl in white with a tabby cap and accents. She is a couple of years old.

Precious is super sweet and lovable to her people. Basically sweetest personality in the world! Ok, may be an exaggeration.
She particularly likes kids, the more kids the better as long as they are kind and gentle.  She loves to hang out with the kids, cuddle with them, and play with them. She can tolerate other kitties and doggies who don’t bother her.

Precious does need medication rubbed on her ears (or she could take a pill and it’s easy to do with her) every day, but that small effort is nothing compared to the love and devotion and joy she will bring.

She is such a sweet and loving charmer, she would be great as your one and only devoted feline.

In Anchorage, please call or text us at 960-0096 to meet this cutie!




Mia is a short haired Calico girl. She has shades of tortoiseshell colors in her coat. With the white highlights, green eyes,  and that white dash down her nose, she has a unique  beauty.

Mia was given up when her owners moved out of the country. She is used to being around a couple of adults in a fairly quiet home and she probably would prefer a settled home. But she is only 8 years old and is ready to begin the adventure of a new life with true love and a little spicy fun.  Prior to being in her foster home she had not been around other animals but she’s learning to adapt to other kitties in the house who are as mellow as she is. She seems to ignore the dogs. Mia would love a little yard where she can bask in the sun and delight in the birdsong.

She’s in Wasilla. Call 863-1444



Nikki is a beautiful medium haired tortie girl. She is a young adult with SOFT lush fur.

Nikki prefers a calmer home with one or two cat friends and maybe even a mellow dog. She would also be fine as a family’s only pet as she loves human attention. She is a sweetheart who would be a great companion for an older gentle child who wants to bond with a kitty and have her own special friend. Nikki will need a safe yard to go out in with her people in nice weather.

Available in Wasilla. 907-863-1444



What a handsome fellow Garfield is! His family needs to rehome him because he is not getting along with his brother kitty. The family is heartbroken, as he has been an amazing member since he was born. He would do best as an only kitty. He would likely do okay with well-mannered dogs as long as they can be safely introduced. He has been an indoor cat. He was neutered at 6 months and has no history of marking. He will turn 5 in October. Garfield LOVES car rides and being with his family. He is amazing with kids, but would also make a great companion for motor home travelers or seniors, as he is laid back and rather lazy. He is loved very much and his family hopes that he is adopted into a family that will adore him just as much.

In Palmer. Call 240-6973.




Adorable little 8 month old kitty, Klaus is CUTE! He’s gray and slightly fluffy and full of kitten silliness. He appears to have Russian Blue in his ancestry. With that little bit of extra kitten fluff, he may be a Nebelung.

Klaus came to us from a home where he had been an only cat. He was confused at first, but once he realized that other kitties can be fun, he was all about joining in and having a great time. Because of his early time alone, he still play bites. Not to be mean but without another kitty friend, he didn’t learn the limits of play. So he will take a little time to get that figured out but he really really wants to fit into a family where he has friends to play with. He tolerates the dog so he can take canines or leave them. But a feline buddy would be wonderful. He is a cuddly purrbabe when he is ready for settling down and needs a family who can give him snuggles. He will need a place to go outside with his family during the great summertime.

In Wasilla. Call 631-1901



Zeus is about 7 months old. He is sweet and friendly, loves to play and cuddle. He is ok with other nice cats and dogs. He could be adopted with his brother Lucky. He will need a safe outdoor area to play in when the weather is nice.

In Kenai, 907 398 9128



Harper (Sissy) is a beautiful short haired tabby girl about 2 years old.

She loves people and kids and lots of activity. She does fine with calm dogs. She does ok with other cats but does not play or cuddle with them so she would be fine as an only cat. She does like to drink running water so she would need access to a faucet or a fountain. She will need a family that allow her to be an active part of the family, for fun and cuddles and even outings. She will also need a safe place to go outside when the weather is good.

In WAsilla. Call 863-1444



Ginger is a pretty short haired girl with a neat coat. She is a year or two old.

Ginger is a nice girl who would love a kind family to be part of.  She needs her space and a place to have quiet time. So a home with just one or two other critters might be okay but NO other critters would be perfect. She does love people and loves to see what’s going on! She’ very curious and wants to be a part of things. She would like a nice outside area to go at times but she is not interested in going far. She doesn’t want to get lost or left behind. Been there, done that, and it was scary and lonely. She would not be suitable for a home with smaller children but she’s fine with older kids. She is an adorable tiger girl who is hoping for a family to make her their very own forever.

In Wasilla. If interested call 631-1901
