Cannoli and Muffin are adorable tabby kittens about 4 1/2 months old. They are soft and cuddly and full of the joy of living. These babes were exposed to a cat with feline leukemia when they were tiny and now they test positive for the virus. They show no signs of illness or distress and could live a long healthy life with a great family. Since they carry the virus, they should only be exposed to other kitties who are also FELV positive.
Cannoli is a boy and Muffin a girl and they are GREAT! They love to play and race around like silly kids looking for the fun in life. They play and play until it’s time for naps and then they snooze in the cutest ways possible. They are absolutely delightful little ones who love people and having fun and making life a bright happy experience for everyone around them.
These kittens are purrfect. If you are looking for a pair of wonderful little ones, please do consider adopting them. It’s important to know about FELV but if you have room in your home and your heart for great new family members, please don’t let that stop you from making them a joyous part of your life and family.
Special adoption fee available for the right family for Cannoli and Muffin!