If you like those big muscular round face boys, Boris is the guy for you! Boris is a very affectionate, vocal guy. He loves to explore and have independent play time. He will happily play with his human, but he still has a bit of his wild side and will let you know when he needs some space. That being said, he can also be a huge snuggle bug! Boris needs plenty of room to run around and will need a good place to go outside and enjoy the natural world. After living out on his own for a while, he is getting more and more comfortable living inside again. After getting settled in, he seems to be great with nice kids and is tolerant of dogs as well. We’re not sure if he will be okay with every cat but he’s a great dad to kittens. He’s still working on his manners a bit but he’s a young happy guy and will be a wonderful family member.
In Anchorage. Call 960-0096
