Arrow is the fluff and she knows it! She is the first out of the kennel, the first to the door and the first… the food bowl. BesidesĀ breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks her life revolves around her “programs”. She loves TV. She will watch the bird feeder live streams for hours, totally captivated. Even though there is a perfectly good window right next to it. If I had to use one word to describe her it would be “quirky”.
Arrow is a young 6-10 month old fluffy grey tabby. She and herĀ were found sister were brought in as strays. But there is nothing wildish about this little one. She is all ready for a modern home.
She does love other kitties and would be happiest with a kitty friend, which could be her sister, Peak. She is young and energetic (when not mesmerized by the TV) and will need a fun place to play outside in the summertime with her family.
She’s in Anchorage. Call 907 980-8898