**Ready to Adopt**

Pictured are most of our ready-to-adopt cats and kittens. Check out our facebook page to see more about our cats and kittens for adoption or call 907-980-8898.

Adoption fee for adults (over 8 months) is $80; kittens 8 months or younger are $145. Sponsored adult cats can be adopted for half the usual adoption fee–$40. Senior cats, over 8 years old, are available to senior humans, over 55 years old, for $40. All cats are dewormed, checked for ear mites, fixed, vaccinated and microchipped.

CCCR regularly covers the area from Houston to Homer. Although adopters are responsible for picking up their adopted cats, we often we can help find transport for adopted cats from one part of the area to another. Please let us know if you need help with transport of an adopted cat within that area.



That's what it was. Just a chance. The last chance in fact.

Aggressive and disruptive in a colony of feral cats who were cared for and loved, this big black cat showed up and started causing problems. He could have food and shelter like everyone else but for some reason he seemed to be causing trouble with the other cats until it looked like he was causing others to stay away from their home.

There was talk of shooting him. To keep the others safe. But the people couldn't do it. So they trapped him and sent him off to be fixed and to go to a foster home to have a chance.

And that's when it was discovered that in this disheveled aggressive troublemaking cat was a loving, friendly, sweetheart boy who was so grateful to be saved. Even with other cats in the foster home he has been great. He plays. He snuggles. He lets you know every day, every moment you have to give him a touch, or kind word, that he can be the best boy!

Chance almost didn't make it. Just another one of those cats who have been abandoned in the world and turn to aggression in order to try to stay alive in the hard cold world or homelessness.  But a kind person gave him a chance.

And now he needs a kind person to give him a home. We are sure that he will be a grateful, devoted loved one in any kind and loving family. He would love a happy family. He would be great with fun older kids and he would like a welcoming cat friend. We don't know about dogs. He would certainly enjoy a safe yard he can go outside in, sometimes, when the weather is nice or he needs a little peace and quiet in nature. But he  has no desire to wander away and end up alone and homeless again.

Could you be the lucky human to give this lucky boy a chance for a forever family?

Please call 720-563-7141. He is in Anchorage.


A little Love Machine! That's Pearl.

If you'd seen her a month ago, you wouldn't guessed it's the same cat.  Somehow, Pearl ended up at the animal shelter.   After a few weeks there, she was so stressed that she could no longer pass the behavior test. She was too worried and overanxious and overstimulated by everything. Things did not look good for her.  But fast forward a couple weeks in a foster home and just look at her now!

In a loving home without all the chaos and confinement of a cage in a busy, noisy place, Pearl is a dream kitty. She loves loves loves to be pet. She loves to snuggle up with her people. She loves to be the best companion for a kind family. She is just a Love!

Pearl is about 2 years old. Petite with those big expressive eyes. She is fine at the foster home with the other cats. (We don't know about dogs.) But her absolute favorite in the house is the human who gives her lots and lots of love. If you're looking a little sweetheart to fill that happiness void in your settled home, Pearl would be a perfect fit!

Pearl would love a little yard where she can go outside and smell the breeze and sit in the sun sometimes. And a person, or even  more than one, who will be her beloved human forever.

In Anchorage. Call 907 980-8898



Hello, Dove here.  I'm writing to you today to request a transfer of residence.  You see, I'm ready to leave my foster home and join yours.  I do have a few must haves on my list of potential new homes/new hoomans.

First, I will NEED a soft bed (yours will do in a pinch). Second, there must be daily soft food (I'm a Queen, if you had not noticed).  Third, all the regular feline items PLUS a rope scratcher (is there REALLY any other kind).  Fourth, feline friends (because I cannot be Queen Dove without my subjects).  My royal palace must have a beautiful outdoor area for me to partake in fresh air & chatter at the birds.  Things that will make me happy:  soft pettins, crunchy treats, salmon, bed snuggles, doggos that are gentle, older/more refined small hoomans and of course my feline subjects.  I have a tendency to raise my right front paw to my subjects...letting them know I would like their attention (my leg was broken as a princess & it has healed nicely the hooman doctor says).  This does not keep me from using it to smack at the furry fake mice or meowing out of turn subject.

The hooman doctor has removed my ability to procreate, placed a microchip and I am up to date on my vaccinations.  If you think you are worthy of a Queen, my cousin Valentino & my son, prince Grouse are also available to accompany me, please contact the hoomans at CCCR today.

I am a year old and ready for a kingdom of my own. In Soldotna. Call or text 907 953-0333


Say hello to Eska and she will say hello right back to you! This beautiful snowshoe girl loves to talk and will be happy to tell you all about her day. She will greet you when you come home dressed in her fancy colored coat with her white socks and boots. Like many Siamese cats she craves attention and love from her family. She will rub against your legs, meow to get your attention and wait for the full body strokes of a gently hand.

Eska adores her cat bed! Life is grand to her if she has a soft comfy cat bed to lounge in and take naps. She also likes sitting on fleece blankets and staring out the window as the leaves flutter to the ground on these crisp Fall days.

She came from a colony of cats and will need to have a kitty friend in her new home. She is young, around a year old, so she has energy to burn and  loves to bat and fling her toys in the air. She is just fine with mellow dogs who aren’t in her space, so she won’t mind sharing a home with a nice dog. Eska hasn’t been around kids, but he would probably do fine with older
children. She will need a safe place to go outside with her family on nice
days and then come inside to the warmth of her home.

In Palmer. Please call 907-350-8089. Thank you!


Snickers had a place she lived for the 12 years of her life. But it was not a good one. From kittenhood she was made to live outside by herself even though she wanted to be in with the family. She had done nothing to be banned from the home, but one of the family members would not allow her to be inside. There was no real place made for her to live outside. She hovered wherever she could find shelter out of the elements. She was fed but that was the extent of her care.

Now that Snickers is inside a home with loving people, she LOVES it. She does also love to go outside at times but having a family who loves her enough to share their warm, comfy home with her is a blessing that she never experienced before. She has had no problem fitting in to the home. She is just fine with the dogs in the house, not so well adjusted with the other cats since she didn't have much experience with them in the past. But she does very much love the kindness and love of the humans who welcome her as a loved one.

This wonderful girl will need a family to give her what she has been missing for so long--a home that they share with her and lots of love. She has great house manners and will be an easy fit into a home with loving people and gentle dogs.

She's in Soldotna. Call or text 907 953-0333




With shiny gorgeous coats and pretty little faces, these girls are as lovely as their names.

Salsa and Amore are a pair of well groomed, well mannered ebony girls who are about 2 years old and have been together since birth. They are the perfect complementary pair.  Amore is the active, curious, aka nosey, one who is very busy checking out everything. Salsa is the more sedate sister who will observe before throwing herself into the spotlight. As a pair, they are perfectly matched because they both love to play and spend quite some time each day romping with each other or on their own with toys.

They both love to sleep on the bed with their special person, snuggle up for pets, and enjoy the luxuries of an indoor life. They would also enjoy the exciting activities in a little yard that is safe to explore, every twig and blade of grass. They are excellent companions as they have perfect house manners and are totally okay doing their own thing if their people are busy. They have lived with gentle dogs and nice kids and done well. The didn't like the boy cat in their last home so they may prefer to be the only felines in the family.

If you every considered sharing your home and life with a couple of cats who were easy to love and easy to live with, these girls would be the best!

They are in Homer but could fine a ride north if a great family came along. Call 907 980-8898



Beautiful Purrito! She's a tabby with a hint of orange. Pretty little flame on her nose and forehead to make her not just a regular run-of-the-mill tabby, but with a touch of tortoiseshell. She's a torbie!

Purrito came to us as a petite little mama cat, all skin and bones with the best rumbling purr for anyone who would give her an ear rub.  This sweet girl has impeccable house manners and loves people. She's an excellent lap warmer and always purrs loudly while snuggling with humans. She LOVES catnip! She was initially unsure about other cats and dogs, but she overcame her hesitation and now is happy to make new friends with those who are gentle and kind to her. She would probably do best with a chill kitty friend and maybe a nice doggo.

She will need a nice yard to be her own little paradise for summer jaunts outside. We think she is a couple years old. In Wasilla. Call 907 350-8089


This is April. With the helicopter ears and the quizzical look. She’s maybe a year old.

April was feral when she came to us. But now, she is all about attention. She LOVES attention........which involves being pet, getting ear scritches, being pet, purring, being pet, face rubs, being pet.

She will be skittish in a new home with new people at the beginning. She startles with loud noises and quick movements. But once you earn her trust she wants to be with you all the time. She is ready to bond with her special person to have a great bond and a happy loving life together.

April isn’t a fan of dogs but if they respect her space she is ok. And with other kitties it’s hit and miss. She can get crabby with them sometimes. But generally if they leave her alone she is fine for them to stay in their separate bubble.

She will be the best mouse discourager you could want. She has experience hunting and she's ready to defend her home from invaders. But you, the one she loves, she will shower with love and devotion.

April is about a year old and ready for her own person/family. In Soldotna. Call or text 907 953-0333


The purrfect pair! Meet River and Flounder, the best of friends who met in a foster home. Now they are inseparable! Flounder was rescued first and was timid and uncertain of his new human friends. Then, River was brought into the foster home and she taught him that humans can be nice and offer lots of pets and delicious wet food! Now they are ready for their forever home together where they can spend their days playing and snuggling with their new owners. They would also enjoy a gentle dog friend. They are both great with nice dogs and will even play with them after they get to know each other.

River is a one year old tabby girl. She’s very sassy and talkative. She loves to explore outside and is an excellent hunter. No shrew lasts a chance with her protecting your property! When she’s ready to come in and take a nap with Flounder she will meow at the front door to be let in, and then will tell you all about her time outside. She loves to sit on your lap and will purr and make biscuits. She’ll even let you carry her like a baby from room to room. As long as she’s getting attention, nothing else matters!

Flounder is a one year old orange boy. He can be easily frightened at first as he was born from a feral mom, but once he gets to know you he’s the snuggliest boy you’ll ever meet. His dream life would include laying in bed all day getting pets. He’s not very fond of the outdoors because there is a lot of scary loud noises out there, so he leaves the outdoor exploring to River. That doesn’t mean he doesn’t like to play though. He can be very energetic! He loves to throw and chase his mouse toys all over the house and will wrestle and chase River up and down the cat tower when she’s ready to play!

They are in Wasilla. Call 907 980-8898



Meet Whisper! This sweet friendly girl is ready to be your new best friend. Dressed in matching white toes and socks she is polydactyly to give you all the extra love you crave. She loves cuddling, snuggling under a blanket, and exploring her surroundings. Sitting in the windowsill is also fun as she dreams of exploring the outside world once again.

She adores people so much she happily will sit in your lap, rub against your legs and purr for hours. She wants to be an active member of the family festivities and enjoy all the fun! Once she gets to know you, she will even come when called for pets. She does great with other cats and will need a feline friend in her new home. She hasn’t been around dogs, but we think she would do just fine with a mellow dog. Older children should be fine too.
Estimated to be around nine months old, she has many years of enjoyment to give her new family. Could that be you? She previously lived with a colony of cats living outside so she will need a safe yard to spend time with her family on nice days and stretch her legs chasing bugs and mice.

She is in Palmer. Please call 907-350-8089. Thank you!


Alita is a fabulously beautiful girl in a luscious ivory coat. seal point markings and sea blue eyes. She is the sweetest kitty you could dream of with people. Cats not so much!

Alita has two overwhelming qualities; her love of people and her love of the outdoors. She is the sweetest girl ever with kind humans. She wants to give love and get love. Be her beloved person and you will never feel unloved again. And she MUST have a safe rural place to go outside. She loves the natural world and will not be happy without the freedom and joy that  it allows us all.

Alita was found outside, hovering under a house that had lots of cats inside. The finder tried to take her in but she was not having it. Whatever experiences she has had as a stray in the world left her with fear and extreme caution around other cats. She is also not a fan of  dogs.

We think Alita is a few years old but don't know when she was born. She is in Anchorage and ready for a loving family. Call 907 980-8898


Lovely ebony fluffball, Pumpkin. She is such a sweetheart!

Pumpkin was outside for some time when we rescued her and she was frightened. But oh my goodness, as soon as she realized that this new place and new person was safe and involved love, she was all in.

She is very tidy and loves yummy food. She has done okay with dogs but they are not her favorite creatures. A very mellow one would be just fine. She doesn't argue with the other cats at all but so far has not found a best friend in the foster home. Some welcoming cat buddy might be good for her. In a former home, she did live with another cat.

Pumpkin is Maine Coonish looking with her lush coat. We think she is a couple years old. She needs a family who is ready to lavish lots of love on her and make her feel like she will always be treasured by her family and never abandoned. She will need a safe place to go outside, but escape from her loved ones is not ever a goal. HOME. FAMILY. Pumpkin is ready for that.

She's in Houston. Please give us a call to find out more. 907 980-8898


Sushi came to us as a skittish stray kitty who had sought refuge from the cold winter near a crazy cat lady's doorstep. Lucky for her, the lady was up for the challenge. She trapped her and brought her in. Now, she is so happy to be safe and with other kitty friends.
She is a diva who will allow sneaky pets in but they have to be to her specifications such as .1 seconds in length and when she is not paying attention. Other than that, she spends her time playing and grooming her kitty friends. She is great with gentle boy cats. If your kitty is lonely, consider this cutie! She will be an amazing companion and friend to your cat. And, she can be your spirit kitty! No human kiddos please.

She is in Anc. Text 907.960.0096 to learn more.



Say hello to Mickey. He’s a big tabby boy, about 6 years old. He loves his people and purrs
whenever he is petted. He will watch TV with you, from the back of your chair. He will make sure you are properly tucked into bed by following you into the bathroom as you prepare for bed, jump on the bed and sit on your  chest for one last pet, and then curl up near your feet for
the night.

He likes to drink out of the faucet, but only in the bathroom. He goes outside, but always returns home and he lets you know what he’s thinking, if you can understand Cat. He’s a big boy, tipping the scales at 17 lbs. He startles at sudden noises but settles right down. He doesn’t like sharing his people with other animals and probably wouldn’t do well in a busy household. But he’s a lover, on his terms.

He's in Anchorage. Call 907 980-8898


Friendly, loving, curious Eve. She's lovely as well as being the best companion you could ever want. She loves her people and will be a purrfect family member for any settled, loving home.

Eve is a short-haired, well groomed black girl who has excellent house manners and a nice, easy way about her.  She loves to share time with people and hang out with them. She really loves to go outside in a yard or other safe area to enjoy the summertime weather. She is very intelligent and has no interest in running off; she wants to enjoy the best of her cat-ness by exploring every blade of grass and taking in the wonders of the natural world.

We think Eve is a mid-age adult who will be a best friend, companion, family member and very special loved one for a long time to come. We don't know how she does with other cats and dogs but her easy manner makes it seem that she is ready to treat anyone kindly who is kind to her.

The perfect cat! Waiting for a happy family. In Anchorage. Call 907 980-8898


Meet Cinnamon! With eyes the color of the ocean she is elegant, confident, and dressed in the most beautiful coat ever. She loves people so much and wants attention from them all the time. If you aren’t petting her, she will put one paw on your leg and gaze up at you. If you still don’t pet her, she will then place her other paw on your leg and sit like that until you reach down and give her some love. At around 1 year old she also loves to play with toys and have the zoomies around the house.

Cinnamon loves to sit on the back of the couch and stare out the window watching the leaves color the ground with fall colors. Yearning to go outside again, she will need a safe place to spend time with her family on beautiful days. Please no collars! Due to an injury from a collar that got wrapped around her front leg she doesn’t like wearing one.

She does fine with the other cats in her foster home, but she would also be fine as an only cat if she gets a lot of attention and love from her family. Being petted, getting cuddles, and being adored upon is what she really craves. She is fine with a mellow dog who won’t invade her personal space. She is doing well with the nice children in her foster home.

If you’re looking for a cat with a loving nature and gently personality Cinnamon is your girl. In Palmer. Please call 907-350-8089. Thank you!


Zoey is a beautiful girl with a patch of white heart on her chest that describes her completely! She loves to give affection to her human and is a cuddle bug when she’s not resting or playing with her kitty toys. She loves racing up and down the stairs to burn off some energy and she even likes her foster dog. The border collie is gentle and gives her space which makes Zoey happy. She gets along great with the other kitties in the home and kisses noses with them.

Zoey came from a colony of cats that were indoor/outdoor so she will need a safe place to go outside with her family. Probably best with another cat.

She is about a year or two old. In Anchorage. Call or text 720-563-7141


Timothée is a very shy but curious and playful young cat. His first few months of his life were spent living outside in the middle of winter, trying to survive. He came into rescue dirty, matted, and would hide in the smallest spaces. He is now loving living in a nice warm house with blankets to sleep in, consistent food, and kitty friends he can play with. He is not a lap cat yet but could be with time. He is still pretty shy and will run away when approached. But he will accept pets in his safe space which is currently the cat tower and will become a purring machine once he realizes he’s safe.

Timothée has a black spot on his side that looks like a heart. 🖤 He loves cat nip and toys including balls. He will play with just about anything. Timothée is looking for a kind, loving, and patient home who will continue to work with him to build confidence and will give him time and attention. He will need to go to a secure home because he still loves to hide in the tiniest spaces he can find. Other kitties in the home are a must, Timothée loves to play, chase, and wrestle with the other cats in his foster home and will follow what they do. Other cats in the home will help him continue to come out of his shell. Timothée does ok with nice dogs. Older kids are fine but Timothée may not do well with young kids who might chase him. Timothée is about a year old. He's in Wasilla.

If you are interested in this very sweet boy joining your family, call 907 980-8898


Tiny, long and slim, dappled tortoiseshell, Clementine is a beautiful little girl.

Clementine is shy. Very settled and calm when she is with those who love her. She is hoping for a calm, settled, loving human or humans who will be her special beloved family. Clem is probably just a couple years old. She found herself outside and in the family way. She did a great job raising her kittens and now she is free to enjoy her life in the quiet, loving way that seems to suit her.

Clem does okay with other cats and dogs who leave her alone. But she also seems to do fine with her own company  and as a sweet companion to a kind human. She would enjoy long evenings sitting next to her human, explorations through the yard to stay updated about her territory, and lovely naps in the comfort of her own forever home.

Clementine is waiting for her special person. If that could be you, please give us a call at 907 980-8898.  She's in Homer.


Introducing Galileo 🔭 He’s a retired tomcat with irresistibly soft, fluffy fur. This big, cuddly guy used to roam as an outdoor cat in a large colony, but now he's ready to settle into a loving forever home.

While he might not seem like the brightest at first glance, Galileo proves to be a clever escape artist when he's eager to explore outside—he can even open windows! But don’t worry, he never wanders too far and always comes back for affection and snuggles. At about 3 years old, Galileo is mellow and adaptable. He’s ok with other cats but would also thrive as the only pet, as long as he gets plenty of love. He’s likely to do well with older children, provided he has a quiet space to retreat to when he needs a break.

Galileo is ready to bring warmth and companionship to his new family—could it be yours? Please text or call 720-563-7141 for more information


Hoomans are interesting creatures.  They call to me, make kissing noises and try to pet me.  Not sure how I feel about all that.  BUT when the other cats gather around and are purring I figure, what the heck, must be okay!

I really like the hooman that calls herself momma.  She is kind, gentle and brings the BEST treats.  Also, each time I murder another furry fake mouse (really not falling for that being a real mouse) she brings out another one.  The smaller hoomas in the house are okay but they can be a bit too loud and make me feel a bit anxious.  I have lots of places to hide away and I like hiding in the cat tree or cat cubby.  I like to explore the house and have found many places that are fun; under the bed is a great napping place! Doggos are okay as long as they don't chase me.  I adore all the cats here in the house!  They are all my BBFs!  We play tag, keep away and I love it when the hooman momma brings out the laser light and dims the lights!  GAME ON!

I'm excellent at bounding up and down the stairs, climbing the cat tree and soon I'll have my rope scratching post all unraveled.  The hooman momma says I'm really good at keeping myself clean, using the litter box, playing nice with the other cats and keeping the monsters out from under her bed.  I'm 10 months old and I've been neutered, microchipped and am UDT on shots.

The hooman momma says all of this plus my adaptation to living in a house (I was born outside, in a cat colony) and strong cat social skills makes me ready to start the search for my FURever home.  I'd love to play outside with my new hooman & feline family!  I look forward to meeting you & if you've got room my cousins, Dove & Grouse would love to be adopted with me!

In Soldotna, Call or text 907 953-0333


Prissy is a short haired, neat, lovely girl who just wants love. She's a gray tuxedo with teeny tiny white toe tips. She is about 10 years old.

Prissy's hope for the rest of her life is to be happy. And to make her family happy. She has no desire to cause chaos anywhere but to bring with her a kind of calm and settling love. Other cats and dogs; she can take or leave them. But her humans, she is ready to share her peaceful, gentle energy with to make her home a happy place.

If you are ready for a comfortable and loving life with a best furry friend,  please consider Prissy. She's in Wasilla. Call 907 980-8898


3 to 3 1/2 month old kittens; cute, playful, goofy, and ready for  loving families. They must have a friendly cat or kitten in their new homes unless you adopt two. A safe place to play outside with their family on nice days is also required. Call 907 980-8898


Mila, girl



Juggarnaut, boy







Toady, boy




Buttons is dressed to impress at the next black-tie event and ready to woo the women. How could anybody resist such a handsome guy in his tabby coat and bright eyes! His favorite pose is to stretch out both front legs and show how wonderful lounging can be. With a coat that feels like silk he is content as can be to purr and soak up all the love he can get.

Chai is the ultimate lovebug and is always the first one at the door to greet you and rub against your legs. She will even raise up onto her hind legs to make it easier to pet her. Dressed in her Siamese coat she is super soft and is always purring. If you’re in the room, she is always with you requesting more attention.

Parsley is sophisticated and always neatly groomed in his orange tabby coat. Never a hair out of place he will sit and observe what you’re doing before the rumble of his purr begins. With slow movements of your hand, he thinks pets are a pretty cool thing, and don’t forget to give cheek scratches. He loves those!

These kittens are 4-5 months old, have been raised with cats and dogs and would be fine with older children in a calmer home setting. Having a safe yard is a must per their request where they can spend time with their families on nice warm days! They are in Palmer.

Please call 907-350-8089. Thank you!


Banjo! He is confident, super cool and a prince of his foster home. Found outside all alone at six weeks old he was an instant love bug and that has only grown since being rescued. When he is ready for cuddles, he crawls into your arms, purring loudly and giving little chirps of appreciation. And he likes to be held very close. Once settled and purrfectly content he will sleep like that if you hold him.

Banjo loves his toys! In fact, he loves them so much he will proudly carry them around in his mouth after practicing his hunting skills. Easily distracted by a sunbeam hitting the rug he will flop down and stretch out to take a quick break. Interested in the activity of the house, he likes to see what is happening. At 4 months old, he is the best supervisor ever.

Banjo will need a kitty friend in his new home that he can play, romp, and share adventures with. He has been raised with cats and dogs and does great with both. He would do just fine with a nice kiddo or two to play with him. And when those nice days appear he will need a safe yard to go out in with his family so he can play in the grass and help keep those bugs and mice at bay. If you’re looking for warm cuddles, gentle headbutts, and endless devotion this is your guy. He is in Palmer.

Please call 907-350-8089. Thank you!


Kittens, as adorable as kittenly possible. Friendly, cuddly, playful, all the wonderful kitten traits. They do great with other nice cats and dogs. Must have a kitty friend in their new homes and a safe place to play outside with their families in nice weather. Call or text 907 953-0333



Bandit, boy 7 months old







Denver,  6 months old



Axel, boy, 6 months old




Sweet Pea, girl 6 months